Chapter 1

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Its a normal day in the tower with everyone doing their own thing. Raven floats into the kitchen and sees Beast boy playing his new game Planet Invaders 2. she feels a relaxed mood in the room and knows hes enjoying himself.she goes and gets a kettle, fills it with water and puts it on the stove to boil. she feels someone watching her and the mood in the room become very different, instead of relaxed it becomes excited. Raven turns around and sees Beast boy watching her with a smile. When he sees her turn around he turns around and continues playing his game.

why is he smiling at me.... Raven wonders blushing

She has noticed lately that when shes around him that she feels more comfortable and her heart picks up speed.

no no no no no no i cant like him. hes.......him. she thinks to herself.

she feels the mood start to depress and hears Beast boy turn of the game and go to his room.

Whats wrong with him.. she wonders as the kettle whistles and she pours it into the cup with her chai tea. she walks back to her room to begin her daily meditation. As she passes Beast boys door she feels a deep depression and hears a sniffle. She knocks

"Beast boy u in there."


"Can i come in."

"I'd rather u not at the moment."

why doesnt he want me in his room, i already know its a mess.. she wonders.

She opens the door despite him saying not to and sees something she did not expect to see. Drawing and painting everywhere, and all of them of her and him. she picks up one off the surprisingly tidy floor except for a few drawings. Its of him holding her in his arms and kissing her.

"Why did u come in!"he exclaims

he notices her looking at a drawing and falls out of his chair.

"Im sorry, you werent meant to see these, i was just drawing random stuff!" he says with his face as red as a tomato.

" Why are they all of me and you together?"

"Well.....I kind of have a small, slight, minescule crush on you."

"Oh...... ok."

Beast boy turns around to cover up his desk and she notices something on his arm, just visible under the sleeve of his uniform. she reaches over and grabs his wrist and tries to roll down hiw sleeve.

"What are you doing?"

"Im trying to see something"

"No, you dont have to, its nothing, just a bruise from triaining."

"Then let me heal it."she says as she pulls up his sleeve.

she gasps at what she sees. All the way the bottom of his arm are cuts, even deeper than she could heal.There were many newer ones that look like they were made that day.

"What are these?"

"Nothing."he says as he yanks his arm away and rolls down his sleeve.

"Yes they are, why are u cutting yourself?"

"Because i love you!!!!"


I know a cliff hanger but i swear i will update soon

all comments welcome

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