Chapter 3 12/27/14

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Ravens Pov:

We go and sit on the side of his bed.

"Raven you cannot repeat any of what I am about to tell you."


"Promise me, If anyone else found out this, I dont know what I'd do."

"I promise Beast Boy."

"Ok, this happend when i was about 13, we were in Africa and my parents were studying the Genetic structures of rare breeds of animals. My parents were out collecting samples and i was at the RV reading a Megatonic Man comic. I heard their Jeep coming down the road. I started sitting up, and then heard a gunshot and something crash. I ran outside and saw my parents jeep crashed into a  rock in flames. I started to run towards them when i saw my mother Climb out of the Jeep on fire. She ran in a circle twice before collapseing. When I got to the Jeep i saw my dad slumped over with a hole in his chest and knew he had been shot. I turned to run back to the RV and saw 4 strange men comming out of it with boxes containing my parents research. They saw me an dropped the  boxes and started running my direction. I turned and ran the opposite direction. After a few seconds i felt a sharp pain in my thigh and hit the ground. They hit me over the head and i woke up in a dark room strapped to a table. A man walked in and told me tht i was going to be a lucky boy being the first one to test the new virus they synthesizd from my parents research. They strapped me to a metal table and gave me an IV. A man in black came around the table and injects the needle into the IV. An excruciating pain flows up may ar and into my chest. I screamed for help but nobody came, and soon after i passed out. When I woke up I was no longer strapped to the table and the room was trashed. I saw the black suited men all around me dead. One was at my feet torn in half. I freaked out trying to figure out what happend then I noticed something was different. My skin was green. I ran til I saw the one way viewing glass. my hair was green, my eyes were green, everything was green."

I gasp hearing what he has just told me, " So what happend then?"

" Apparently one of the men survived, he screamed as he saw me," Go away u fucking monster.", I was confused so i moved closer, " You killed everyone you freaking beast, your not human anymo......" " Those were his final words before he died.I fell to my knees and cried realizing what i had become. I had become The Beast." " And from there you all know the rest, the Doom Patrol found me and took me as one of them to fight men like the ones who made me this."

I sit there wide eyed as he finishes the story. "I had no idea Garfield, and all those years I yelled at you for being childish, now i understand you didnt have a childhood so it comes out every once in a while, and now i know why u always go to your room early. I'm sorry."

Beast boy leans in and..........................................


I know you hate me for this cliffhanger but i have to keep you all interested somehow

thanks for the stars and the new followers glad yall are liking the story

first one to comment next time besides my sister will have the next chapter dedicated to them

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