Chapter 11

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CC's P.O.V

When we found Raven she was collapsed on the ground. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I was dazled and just couldn't speak at all.

Then I heard Andy yell "Hey!!Get the f*ck away from her" I snaped out of it and started running towards Raven, I got to her, picked her up and started running towards the tour bus while Andy was distracting that little bitch and Ashley was helping out with Chloe, I think he really likes her.

Just then Andy, Jake, Jinxx and Ashley with Chloe came in. As soon as everyone was in, we headed straight for the hospital.

*Skipping ride to hospital*

We arrived at the hospital, we got out the bus and headed for the entrance, we got in and started running to the counter, me with Raven in my arms.

I said "Please help us, our two friends are really hurt, especially this one"

The nurses all gathered around Raven and they took her from my hands. They ran quickly into some room. And they took Chloe into another room.

Then some nurse came to us and said "Were getting your friends checked out, the girl with the purple and black streaks, she isn't doing okay, she's very hurt" Oh, she must mean Chloe.... I hope she's okay.

"But, the other girl is not doing well at all, she won't wake up no matter what we do, I think that if she doesn't wake up soon she'll be in a coma, were trying everything we can so don't worry" That nurse said and then she left before I could say something.

Ashley's P.O.V

I'm so sad, heartbroken.

I really hope Chloe is okay, and Raven too, of course. I really like Chloe but I'm not sure she feels the same way.

I don't want to ruin our friendship, I'll have to deal with it then. But I'll try to be with her no matter what.

I'll find out the feelings she has for me and then I'll know for sure exactly what to do.

Jinxx's P.O.V

Man, this sucks. I really hope the girls are okay. I can really see that Ashley likes Chloe. Well we'll have to help him out.

Just then I got a message, it said that Sammi Doll wanted to video chat. I gladly accepted and stepped outside to talk.

S:Sami Doll

J: Hey, baby.

S: Hii!!, Well I just wanted to call you because I came over to your bus to visit you but you weren't there. No one was. What happened?

J: Aww, honey that's really nice of you. Sorry I couldn't make it. I'm at the hospital right now with the band.


J: OK, calm down! Were all OK. S

Don't you worry.

S: Well then why are you at the hospital, what's going on?

J: Look, I can't explain on the phone and I've got to go now. Just get over here and I'll tell you everything.

S: OK I'll be right over!!

I finished talking, then headed inside, everyone looked at me.

"Sammi" I said. They all nodded.

*Time lapse: 3 hours...
Jake's P.O.V

I'm battered, we've been waiting for 3 bloody hours, what's taking them so long. Ughhh.... I'm starving....

Just the some doctor came over us and said "Well, I've got good and bad news"

"The good news is that, the girl with purple and black hair, Chloe is alright, she just has some bruises, a black eye and a broken arm, but she's okay."

Everyone sighed in relieve, especially Ashley. I think Ashley's starting to like this Chloe girl.

"But, there's also bad news, the bad news is that, the other girl, Raven, is not recovering at all, well we can't really say because she's still sleeping, she won't wake up. I'm sorry to say but she's in a comma."


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