Chapter 21

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"So, what's going on?" Said Andy

"The thing is that, I think Raven likes Ashley" I said. "No way man, that ain't true and you know it" he said while laughing.

"Well I think it is, because when she woke up we talked for a while and I said trying to cheer her up, that there might be something going on between Ash and Chloe and she just looked down, started fidgeting and had a sad expression" I said.

"Look, it could be anything, you just can't know until you make sure" said Andy.

"No, I do know. I bet that he'll break Chloe's heart and then do the same with Raven, I can't let that happen, Raven's been through enough pain, Ash is a player, I mean no offense, he's one of my best friends and my bandmate, but you know whow he is" I said.

"Ahhh, now I see what's going on here" said Andy smirking and nudging me.

"What do you mean?, this isn't funny" I said getting irritated.

"You're jealous of Ashley" she said smirking his smirks.

"WHAT?!!no way" I said.

"If you say so" he smirked and headed to the room.

I followed him to the room.

By the time we entered we saw that Ashley and Chloe had arrived.

Ash was talking to the guys and Chloe was with Raven. She had tears in her eyes.

She was crying her eyes out and hugging Raven. That's so sweet.

I walked over to the girls and asked "How are you feeling Raven?"

"I'm okay, thanks" she answered smiling.

"Good, and how bout you, Chloe? You weren't looking very good, with all those bruises and broken arms, how are you?"

I said putting my hand on her shoulder and stroking it softly.

"I'm fine, CC. Thankyou" She said smiling.

"That's good, now if you'll excuse me ladies imma head over to the guys, bye" I said.

"Bye" said Chloe.

"Bye" mumbled Raven.

Now that I think about it, she seemed disturbed when I was talking to Chloe.

Nah, just my imagination. Can't be.

She likes Ashley not me.

I headed over to the guys and started talking.

Raven's P.O.V

I can't believe him. Why did he stroke Chloe's shoulder. I now it's nothing and i might be overreacting but I just don't get it. I don't mean to be rude or anything but he never payed Chloe that much attention neither did he just touch like like that.

He touched her so affectionately and looked deep into her eyes that it made me cry. I mean, he talks to her all the time but this time it was different. I felt different in a way. God, this guy's, well better said all of them are confusing as hell.

Oh, why am I going on, who gives a damn.

He can like whoever the hell he wants...

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