142 3 0


There are 100 books, including the series books.
I am not currently active on wattpad anymore. Therefore this will be the end.
I don't find anything worth here to read, and over the time even some books i read back then seems boring, makes me think again why the hell i read that. I don't know if it's because of reading too much but, now i find some of them are cringy and predictable.

I may or may not give these books my own review in the future. 🤔 (If i could find some time, hopefully)

And i'm sorry if some of these books are paid or not in wattpad anymore when you come across. When the time i prepared to write this, only 3 or 4 was added to paid system (2019 August) so, yeah sorry about that.

And the "Celete Academy Series" will be removed from wattpad soon due to the author's decision. If you want to read it download "tapas" app.

Anyway, have a good reading. ❤️❤️❤️

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