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(I, your loyal author, shall update now @DarkLobo . Hope you enjoy it!

Thankyou for reading this story of mine. Another loyal fan!)

Wait. Since he is the main villain, and he just fainted in this forest, then I just saved him......This means that he was just cursed by those priest!!! And...

I just robbed the role female lead!!!!! SHIIIIEEEEETT!!!!!

......I'm sorry female lead.

'Ok onee-chan, this should be your status.'

Huh?? Wuut?

'Name: Akemi Ian
Level: 1/....

Charm: 10/100

Strength: 20/1000

Luck: 1/50

Points: 0/....

Inventory: None.

Work hard onee-chan! Once you accumulate enough points, you can go back to your world!'

Ok. What's with my trashy stats...

I felt so let down that I wanted to cry. My charm is too low. How can I even seduce a yandere with this low leveled charm?? My strength *sniff. I don't even have a strength to truss a chicken. What if the yandere is suddenly annoyed? Can I even resist?!! With my luck, maybe even before a yandere like me-- no no no. With this luck, a yandere will not even like me!! At worst case, he might even kill me without batting an eye.

'Onee-chan, don't be so let down. There's a yandere that had taken a liking to you', as if consoling me, the system's childish voice suddenly became gentle and lose his usual playfulness.

Really?!! Who? But there's only few persons that I had met since I transmigrated in this world. Selene doesn't also have that many interactions with the opposite sex since her appearance is not desired here.

Who is it?

Don't tell me.......it's him?!!!

The d-dd....


Fuck don't tell me it's that perverted slag grandfather back then?!!! He is the only man that had taken an interest in this body!! Don't tell me it's him?!!

Ok!! I'm out of these world! I'm not going to serve a slag grandpa with over 200 concubines in his place! What if he has STD?!! I quit! I concede defeat!

'W-wait onee-chan. It's not him!'

Then who?!!! The baron?!

'Aishhh, no onee. It's the man behind you'

You mean.... him?




Eheheheheh.... you must be joking right?

'Why don't you want  him onee-chan? He's handsome and strong! Isn't that what girls want?'

Fuck no. It's just that, he's too much. He is such....a heavy taste.

'Isn't he a good candidate?'

System. You're still too young, you won't understand.

A certain thousands of year old system: "....."

'You got no choice host. He already had taken a liking to you.', he said as if it's a matter of fact.

What?!! He had taken a liking to me?!! What's with his weird taste just now?!! Doesn't he want a type like the Female Lead? A girl that is gentle, beautiful and a kindness that will blind the world?

Yandere SystemWhere stories live. Discover now