Chapter 2

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Alex's P.O.V.

Vic and I talked for some minutes, when we heard a kind of announcement that was saying that all the new students had to choose someone at least two years older than them to go exploring the manor.

"Will you choose me as your mentor?" Vic asked smiling from ear to ear, as i giggled a little and proudly said "Yes, knight Vic," so i put a hand on his shoulder, "I order you to show me the school.".

So we walked out in the garden where i met some guys who Vic apparently knew. There was a really tall dude, a ginger, a guy with a huge nose, a tiny boy and a guy with scarlet hair.

*Ugh i'll have to know more people...*  i thought, but in a second Vic grabbed me from my hoodie and said "aaaaand this is Alex. Alex, these are Gerard," and the guy with the scarlet hair waved, "Austin," he pointed at the tall guy, "Kellin.." the tiny guy muttered hi, "... and i guess that these are your new roommates?".

"Yeah, Alan is with Jack" Gerard said, pointing at them and messing Alan's hair up.


Austin, Kellin, Gerard, Jack, Alan, Vic and I walked to the hall where Principal Harris had to talj about the new year and the projects amd stuff. Near the door of the hall, on the ground, was sat a guy with his knees on his chest, listening to music. I was kinda embarassed because all the guys stopped and i was right in front of him, staring at my mates. "Who's this guy we are looking at?" I whispered to Austin, but he just walked toward him and gave him a pat on the back.

The guy pulled out the earphones and stood up smiling: "Oh hey guys i didn't see you, watsup?" he said moving his eyes from one to the other one of us. I proudly won my fear of socializing taking a step forward and saying "i'm Alex", as he shaked my hand and replied "i'm Frank, nice to meet you!". I smirked and walked back to my place, so we all entered the hall with Frank to take the best places.

"Will you let them reject you again?" Frank asked as Vic punched his shoulder and almost started a fight, but Austin stopped him placing himself between the two guys. "What the fuck man i was just kidding... damn Vic chill" Frank said moaning and putting a hand on his shoulder.

The principal entered the room with his heavy-ass walking amd he grabbed the microphone; in some minutes the hall was filled with people of any kind: from the teachers, to the students and everybody.

" yes. Hello, students. I'm your principal, mr. Harris, and i welcome you to a new year here in this school. Did the new students already find their rooms? Is it all okay?", a noisy "yes" came out from everybody's mouth.

After a one-hour-speech the Principal left the room, so we took a walk in the park around the school before lunch time. Vic brought me in our room, and he told me the easier ways to arrive in the classes for the next day. After lunch, i talked with him and the group, so we started knowing each other, and the best thing in all this is that they had my It was the best thing ever knowing that i could talk with someone about music, or ask him who will release a new album or song.

The Afterschool- A Jalex, Kellic, Cashby, and Frerard story~ Jalex versionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt