thought 7

16 4 2

So, thought by KO2195

Why do we name Pokemon pokemon?
They can be called "pocket monsters"
And the ones that can't fit in your pocket,
Like beside us, on our heads, or belt, ect. "duel monsters"
Since that's wut they do. Duel!

Made by KO2195

If anyone else have thoughts that you'd like to add, let me know!

If you look at the alphabet, it says hi to you,
And the "W" is just a double "v"

On the keyboard,
there's this word: "qwerty" this man is the reason the letters aren't in order
There's also Jk, we, as, and other letters that are close to make words (look, free. . .)

Alright I think I'm done now, bye!

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