thought 8

26 4 5

Here's wut in my mind, if anyone cares:

What would happen if your drawings came to life?

What would happen if eve never listened to the Snake?

What would happen if magic was actually real?

What would happen if one person didn't exist?

Would it make much of a difference?

What about if everything was swapped?

Like if I, a silly, outgoing extrovert was really just a serious, quiet introvert?

Why am I thinking these things?

Why do I exist now?

What's my purpose in life?

What would happen if I stay offline for a month?

Or if I stayed hoping for something happen?

If we didn't have this corona effects, would I have still been fine?

Or anyone else for that matter?

People feel like their a burden to other people

Or like they don't deserve to live

Or fed up with life. . .

I'm scared of what the future has now

Because of this. . .

That's like someone special to you, saying,

"I'm sorry, but I can't live on like this anymore"


If they had just hold onto the rope a little longer.

there's people who think so negative. . .

I swear I don't like it. . .

I think I might be offline for a bit. . .

I might talk to some people

Let's just hope that the world won't continue to lose people

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