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It was a dark night. Thunder boomed outside of the hotel. John rushed in the room he had gotten a few day earlier covered in blood just having finished a hunt. His two sons waited patiently for him even though it was getting pretty late.

"Are we leaving?" A young Dean asked.

"Yep, pack your bags boys." He told Sam and Dean and he took off his blood covered coat.

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. Everyone's eyes went back and forth between each other. No one really knew John anymore. He had been on the road with boys for years now, a knock at the door was very unusual for them. The room became tense as they sat there.

"You guys weren't expecting company were you?" John asked trying to be funny.

Both the boy's shook their heads as their eyes went to the door. John shooed them into the bathroom as he pulled together all the weapons he could fit in his pockets. He closed the boys in the bathroom. When he closed the bathroom door there was another knock at the door. At the same time a loud boom of thunder happened. Someone was really trying to get his attention, but he couldn't think of anyone who would need to talk to him. Or even wanted him dead.

John slowly walked to the door. He placed his gun against the door pointing it to anyone who was standing in front of it. He slowly opened the door and there was no one. He looked left from right but there was no one on the streets or at the door.

No one at eye level that is.

John looked down and there was a baby in a basket. It was wrapped in a pink blanket and a note laid on top of the blanket. The child's eyes were closed, it seemed pretty tired. John bent down and opened the note. The hand writing was neat and explained who exactly the child was.

Dear John Winchester,

This is Kailia. Her parents have been murdered. We are afraid the killer may be returning soon. She comes from the heavens above you. It is no longer safe for her. You must protect her and keep her safe from the evil that comes her way. If you try and get rid of her she will come back.

Gabriel the Archangel

John held the letter with a shocked expression covering his face. He looked down at Kailia trying to figure what to make of her. Then he looked above him, as he did lightning lit up the sky as if whoever just dropped her off was ushering John to take her. He picked her up from the basket and held her in his arms. She was quiet. Once he had picked her up she opened her eyes and looked up at him and her eyes glowed a bright shade of green.

John laid her back down in the basket and stuffed the note in his pocket. He brought Kailia into the motel room and began testing her with every test that he could think of. From holy water to silver he tried everything. But she stayed their unharmed by anything that he throwed at her. She definitely wasn't anything he had ever come across before, giving John more reason to believe in the note. But angels? How come he had never come across them before?

As soon as Kailia fell asleep again John quietly let out Dean and Sam. Dean stood there unsure and Sam came out seeing what it was. Sam stood on his toes to see inside the basket. Dean, being the older sibling and knowing much more, was hesitant to see what was in the basket. But Sam was curious, he wanted to believe that it was just something normal.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"A baby." Sam said looking into the basket.

"Are we keeping it dad?" Sam asked.

"We have to." John said.

"Why?" Dean asked.

"Her parents have been killed. And whatever did it is after her." He explained.

"Who left her here?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." John said lying through his teeth.

"What's her name?" Sam asked.

"Kailia," John said.

"That's a unique name." Sam said staring into the basket at her.

"Did you do the tests on her?" Dean asked.

John nodded his head.

"Are you two ready to leave?" John asked.

Without another word the boys nodded their head and they packed all their things into the Impala. Dean sat in the front with John and Sam sat in the back with Kailia. As Sam sat with Kailia he continually looked in the basket at her. He decided to look at her one last time but something was different. Her eyes glowed the green that John had seen but he didn't know about it. He brushed it off as a glare of light and just looked out the window.

Growing up with the Winchester's life was never normal for Kailia.

How could it be?

She had to be with people who would protect her and the Winchester's were the safest bet. Until the fateful day that everything had started.

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