The surprise for Bakugo

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So Bakugo told me what happened between (g/n) and him, I know it was a stupid reason to get mad and storm off like that. I wanted to make it up to him and bake him a cake with some of his friends.
They should all be here in a little bit, so for now I'm just setting everything up. I got the ingredients for the cake, the set up for the table, and I got the supplies for making, mixing and baking the cake. It was already 2 o'clock and they should be here at 2:20.

(Y/n):Hey guys remember to be here by 2:20
Uraraka:Ok! Sounds great
Deku:Ok ( Y/n)!!
Kiri:Oh ya I'm bringing a camera to get Bakugo's reaction if that's ok with you?
(Y/n):ya that's ok!
Denki:Great idea man
Kiri:Thanks dude!
Denki:No problem man!

I hear a ring at the door "It's opened!" I yell so they can hear me. "Hey girl" Uraraka says as she walks into the kitchen. "Hey" I say back as I put the bowl on the counter. "So when should they be here?" She questioned me as she puts her stuff down on the chair in the living room. "Oh who knows when but they-" I was about to finish when I hear Kirishima and Denki walk into the house. "Hey guys were here!" They both say as they walk into the living room with Uraraka. "Ok now we're waiting for Deku" I say as I bring some snacks into the living room for them. "THANKS MOM!" we hear someone yelling while running up to the house and knocking on the door. "It's open Deku" I say as we wait for him to enter the house.
"Hey guys" Deku says walking into the living room with the rest of us and putting an arm around Uraraka. "Since when did this happen?" I ask pointing at Dekus hand on Urarakas waist. "Oh well Deku came to my house and asked me out so obviously I said yes because I have liked him for a while" Uraraka says as she's bright red and blushing.
"Ok guys let's start" I say as I head to the kitchen to start on the batter.
~~~Kirishimas pov~~~
I hope that Denki would like me the same way I like him, I've liked him since I met him but I'm sure he's straight because of the way he looks at Jiro. But I know I will have to get over him because he either doesn't like me like that, or likes Jiro and like me as a friend. But for now just focus on making Bakugos cake.
~~~(Y/n) pov~~~
We were all just listening to some music while making the cake, Kiri and Denki are making the icing, Uraraka and Deku are making the decorations for the cake and stuff and I'm making the cake. I just finished mixing the batter and I'm putting it in the pan to bake. I walk over to Denki and Kiri,they were making the icing but I can see Kiri is blushing when Denki talks to him."hey Kiri" I said getting Kirishima to look at me. "Could I talk to you" I said pointing to the hallway, "oh sure (Y/n)" Kiri said walking behind me. "Hey Kiri I have noticed the way you have been looking at Denki, do you by chance like him?" I ask him in a questioning tone,"o-oh umm no" he said nervous. "Kiri if you do you can tell me" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. Kiri took a deep breath in and out "ya I like him" he said looking down "that's great!" I say smiling "but I know he doesn't like me, have you seen the way he looks at Jiro" Kiri says looking down letting tears fall from his eyes. Seeing Kiri like this breaks my heart, I knew I had to do something so he can be happy. "Look it breaks my heart seeing you like this I don't like seeing you cry, we are really close and it hurts me to see you crying" I say hugging him. We walk back and he goes to Denki and continues making the icing.
An hour later we were done we made a strawberry cake it had some pink creamy frosting on it and some cute cut up strawberries on top of some wip cream we made from home,we added a few red drops of food coloring to to make it pink. We put it in a bag and made small swirls,put the heart shaped strawberries on the wip cream,we put some dried strawberries into a bag and crushed them and put them on the sides closest to the plate and some dusted over the wip cream and strawberries, we put some strawberry syrup dripping from the sides down to drip on the plate, with some strawberries decorating the plate.
We then set up a table with some decorations, we put the cake on the table. Right as we put the cake on the table we hear someone unlocking the front door and we get into our places to surprise him and turn off the lights. "Why is it so dark" Bakugo says as he turns on the light "SURPRISE!!"we all yell jumping up and going to hug him. "Babe what's this?" He asked giving me a kiss on the cheek, "we made you a cake!" I say putting a hand around his waist, "hey man" Kiri says waving at him, "who wants cake?" Denki says as he gets the knife and starts cutting the cake, "babe why did you do this?" He asks pulling me closer by my waist. "Oh this is for saying sorry for being rude to you and over reacting and not listening to you when you tried to tell me what happened between you and (g/n)" I say looking down,"babe you don't have to do this" he says pulling my leg up and lifting me up,"babe do you want cake?" I ask getting a plate of cake from Denki "sure" he says putting one hand around my waist and grabbing a plate from Denki. The rest of the day went by and we were eating cake and playing games we all got tired and decided to have a sleep over.
I let Uraraka have some clothes for sleep and bakugo let everyone else have clothes but it took some time to make him give clothes to deku.
Thanks you guys for reading this and I'm happy that I am able to update and I will be putting a SMUT!! In the next chapter!!!! And this chapter had 1153 words in it I'm happy that I was able to make that many words!!

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