Chapter 1: This Fool Will Rush In

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Summer was just around the corner. As always, every student in my classroom anxiously hung onto the edges of their seats at the end of the day. I'll be honest, I was ready to leave this room too. I was ready to begin my summer with my gang and my lovely girl, Jamia, in just a couple of days. As Mrs. Bird was finishing up her boring, dull lecture, the bell's ring blared from the hallway. I smiled to myself, thoroughly pleased at the timing. Quickly, I stood up from my desk and headed towards the door. You see, I was smaller than your average male and I had to beat everyone out of the classroom or else I'd get trampled. 

The hallways were filled with the hustle and bustle of excited students, ready to face the warm, welcoming sun of summer. It felt warmer in the school than it did outside because of how close all the students were to one another. I squeezed through the endless throng of bodies until I reached the doors. I was going to be in this same high school next year so it didn't matter if I got my things from my locker or not. It was just full of old crappy school textbooks anyway. 

Once I had opened the doors, my face was greeted by the warm sunshine and gentle, cool breeze. A childish giggle escaped my lips as I dashed across the schoolyard to the football field. Dramatically, I held up my arms to the beautiful sky. Never have I ever been this happy about life before. As I approached the football field, I slowed my pace and let my arms drop. Waiting by the bleachers was my girl. Her black hair was tied up into a thick ponytail with one of my bandanas wrapped around her head like a headband. I smiled warmly at her when she met my eyes and we met each other at the fence. 

"Hey, babe," I said, trying to sound slick and cool, which caused Jamia to giggle. 

"Hey, Frankie," Jamia smiled. I immediately took notice of how the lip gloss she was wearing made her lips glisten in the sun. It was as if they were beckoning me to just lean over and kiss her, which I did. I couldn't resist. 

"So whatcha got planned tonight?" 

"Ah, nothing. I was thinking about meeting with Debbie tonight. Like a girl's night or something," she replied, tucking some hair behind her ear. "And you?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. I'll be with the gang," I smiled softly at her, leaning against the fence casually. "You got a dress for the dance tomorrow?" 

"Of course! I just haven't shown you yet," Jamia winked. "It's a surprise." 

I chuckled affectionately. Oh, how I adored this girl! She's the light of my life. I swear to you I'll marry her one day. "Cool, I'll pick you up at six," I leaned over one more time to give her a parting kiss. Till tomorrow, Jamia. 


The next couple of hours fly by. I met up with my gang as I said I was. Let me tell you a little about them. I'm just a very small part of a gang known on the streets as The Rat Crew. This gang has about 18 members in our part of Belleville, but there could be more in the surrounding area. The Rat Crew is currently run by the infamous David "Davey" Kirby. He's such a bipolar firecracker, I tell you. He could be as happy as a clam one moment, and the next he was planning your murder and funeral. He's about average height with dusty brown hair and a sharp jawline covered by a patchy beard. His eyes are of the greenest greens. I sometimes compare them to the likes of a cactus green, or emeralds. The second-in-command was Marsha Carpenter, but she prefers to go by the nickname Moonlight. I have no idea why, but I think it's badass anyway. Moonlight is a rather stout girl with a long bob. She usually dyes her hair with the darkest colors available. Currently, she's sporting a jet black color. However, her so-called partner in crime is the exact opposite of her. He's a tall, skinny fella with bleach-blond hair, and he wears the brightest colors. What I find funny though is the fact that his personality is just like Moonlight's. They both have a strange fascination with death and they currently enjoy watching the small newsreels on the Vietnam war. 

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