The last... the hardest

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Me: I've gotta win this race. I know just who to call... Look. There's Diego.

Jisoo: Whoa! He seems legit.

Me: He is. He won a gazillion trophies before founding Corvin Motors. He's a racing legend.

Jisoo: Sounds like he's just the guy to help you crush Jennie. And look at that car he brought!

Me: Those wheels are hot! Hey, Diego. This is the car you were telling me about?

Diego: Yup. You'll be guaranteed to win on this. The Corvin Thunder GT, brought to you courtesy of Corvin Motors. This baby isn't even available to the public yet. Cutting-edge V12, electric torque motor with Insanity Mode. Nothing like it on the market! And I even brought you a color-matched racing suit. Try it on.


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Me: You know me too well, Diego. This is amazing!

Jisoo: With that car and that outfit, you'll beat Jennie and get that date for sure!

Me: Look out, Jennie. There's a new racer in town.

Diego: Good luck, kid. Not that you'll need it.


~Race time~

Mina: Sweet mama, look what Lisa just rolled up in! Jennie, looks like you've got a challenge.

Jennie: I don't think so. I'm racing with my dad's Lamberatti.

Mina: Yeah, but Lisa has a Corvin Thunder GT! With Insanity Mode! Those aren't even out yet!!! Where did you get that?

Me: I know a guy at Corvin Motors. No biggie.

Mina: Damn. You're rockin' the fast car... AND the hottest drag race suit I've ever seen. I can't wait for this race!

Jennie: A fast car doesn't mean a quick foot. You still have to beat me off the line, Lisa!


Mina: I knew you'd win, Lisa!

Jennie: She should be disqualified!

Mina: For what?

Jennie: I dunno. Anything!

Me: So, you're slow AND a sore loser?

Mina: Oooh, burn.

Me: Savage.

Jennie: Fine. You guys go have your stupid date.

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