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Wash and Apol run into Ava and Kaz with a thud to the ground getting up all four look at each other

Ava: what's he doing here Wash: he's here to help us don't worry Apol: he showed me something I was shocked by it, but we need to stop the emperor Kaz: ok? Wash: Tytros is in the throne room Apol: if I get you guys pass the traps he set up you can kill him ok

Kazsava was a little shocked by what he was hearing from Apol almost not believing it but the four got up and start to follow Apol

Kaz: *I don't trust him* Wash: *I know I didn't trust him at first but he seems to be wanting to stop this so I think I can trust him* Kaz: *what did you show him* Wash: *what's going to happen if Tytros completes this quest* Kaz: * right I still would have an eye on him*

The four run into a dark room that's pitch black but for Wash and Kaz they can see everything

Wash: can you see Apol/Ava: no Kaz: well hold onto us and we will get you through this

Apol grabbed onto Kazsava's hand while Ava to wash walking through mostly without any struggle

Ava: ow Wash: sorry

Leaving the room into a brighter one finding the walls are made of quartz glass the door behind them shutting as Apol walks in Wash looks at them as the room starts to fill with water Kaz nods at Wash as he disappears with a flash of light allowing Wash to walk towards the next door

Ava: did he just abandon us Wash: no, he didn' he'll be back also Apol don't say that Apol: what? I didn't say anything Wash: right time to get punching

Quickly analysing the door Wash starts to punch it getting a dent in after a few punches while the water continues to rise feeling the water has reached his waist he continues to punch as hard as he could before the door came off it's hinges pulling everyone out with the water as Wash looks up he spots Kazsava with a high-end blast cutting torch looking at the three

Wash: see like I said he didn't abandon us Kaz: who thought I abandoned you Wash: you can tell also thanks for helping to get the door off in time Kaz: (blush) ya anytime Apol: oh my god now I understand why you left you imprinted on him Ava: what Wash: question for another time question for now is how many traps are left Ava: we are going to talk about this Wash: oh definitely we'll talk about it he's not even sure if has or not he needs to speak to Nef about it Ava: ok but I'll keep my eye on you

The four walk into a normal looking room that was painted red

Kaz/Wash: trap Apol: how could we know it could be a normal room Wash: ok let's make this quick

Wash picked up Ava bridal style as Kaz did the same to Apol speeding to the other side in seconds setting off all the traps looking back they saw fifteen different types

Kaz: talk about going over kill Ava: he must be trying to weaken us so we can barely fight when we get to him Wash: sadly it takes a lot to weaken Kaz and I ???: oh that's sad I thought it wasn't going to be fun

They look ahead to see a Stex with robot arms Wash opened his mouth before saying

Wash: who's that Apol: that's the emperors' number two Wash: second in charge?... I don't believe we met you are Turi: I am Turi and you will be my victims this evening Apol: ok mom can we not Ava: wait mom? Kaz: That's one cool mom... ok you three go ahead I'll be dealing with her Apol: just promise not to hurt her Kaz: I'll try my best to knock her out instead of killing her Apol: thanks

Kaz grips his swords ready as Turi pulls out a sword and whip Kazsava attacks first so the three can get pass her walking entering the next room they spot Tytros sitting

Wash: well emperor I'd say this is a pleasure but it won't be Tytros: well this will be easy as I won't have to fight much as there only two of you and this place will become your graves Wash: oh we won't die here Tytros: it's time Wash: took the words out of my mouth Ava: wait two

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