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Wash pulls out his sword getting ready for a fight when somethings pressed into his back feeling a slight pinch before pain engulfs his body eyes widening falling to the ground in seconds screaming shutting his eyes as Ava hits someone Wash opening his eyes to see Apol hit down near Tytros knowing he lied made Wash feel like a fool for thinking he could trust him the pain starting to come and go in waves as Wash tried to get up

Tytros: like that Washington it's a little chemical mixture that kills anything organic Ava: you stay where you are Apol why did you Apol: because he's my father do you really think I would turn on him ???: well, well, well emperor

Wash is able to see some of what is going on as Dean walks in wearing a knee length trench coat with a hood on Ava picks up something off the floor throwing it at Apol knocking him out looking at Tytros Dean smirked

Dean: I would say it's a pleasure seeing you again but it never has I also hope this will be the last time I see you Tytros: what the Dean: you can call me Dean Tytros: what are you Dean: I am your ending like all others there will always be an ending

Dean goes for Wash's sword trying to lift it up but fails Tytros runs at him bringing out a blade Dean letting the sword go ducks hitting Tytros in the leg before kicking him in the face but not strong enough to hurt him much he grabs Dean around the neck and throws him to the other side of the room as dean gets up he pulls out two medium size blades ready to fight as Tytros brings down his sword Dean uses both blades to block before kicking him back and trying to cut him throwing one of the blades aiming for Tytros' arm grabbing it mid-air he held onto it trying again to slice Dean but failing as he was smaller then him giving him more speed for some reason getting a few more hits on him with his fist while all this was happening Ava was cradling Wash in her arm

Ava: hey you're ok Wash: I can't let Dean fight him alone (tries to get up) Ava: no you can't your hurt

Dean was hardly hurting Tytros till the blade he held onto was used to stab Dean in the stomach but wasn't letting that slow him down as he didn't fall down as Tytros looked over to Wash seeing Ava holding him gave him an idea

Tytros: well if you won't stop for the pain then you might stop for them Ava: (herd) I won't let you touch him

Smiling Tytros reached for his belt throwing a small knife at Ava hitting her square in the chest getting her to fall on her back Dean gets another hit on Tytros before they go back into their fight

Wash: NO AVA (still on ground moving over to her and holding her) hey it's going to be fine your going to live (crying) we'll get you back to base Ava: no I'm fine to keep going Wash: your not ok to keep going he got you in the chest this is all my fault Ava: hey its not I knew this was coming Wash: what do you mean Ava: I was told by Dean that I would die soon never knew when Wash: (looking up) What (looks at Ava) how could he know Ava: Wash before I die Wash: don't say that your going to be fine Ava: before I die I want you to promise me that you'll move on Wash: What Ava: I spent most of the time when I thought you were dead trying to get myself killed but that wasn't right I want you to move on with your life try and live the best life before you settle down with someone don't dedicate yourself to me ok (holding out hand) Wash: (takes hand) ok Kaz: sorry Turi got (sees Ava) oh god

Kaz walks past Wash helping Dean with Tytros hitting him on the back of his leg doing little damage Wash started to cry as the fight continued

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