The Absence of A Father

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Once my doctors revealed me as quirkless my mother became as absent as my father. I don't blame her, but I wouldn't do that if any of my children were quirkless I'd help them, if I had sight of course, right now I'm using a walking stick as my sight.

However, when we got home that day she called me 'useless' and then broke my walking stick. Which made me fully blind, I learned to navigate the world in other ways if I was walking down the road and the sound of a car was louder than normal, I'd walk the opposite direction slightly.

I pride myself in mechanical knowledge, that is how I got my sight back. The glasses are large and round, but look normal, I could tell by touching the rims, and because no one reacted weird when I walked by them in the streets.

I headed to school earlier to avoid bumping into people at school, I may be able to defend myself, but I don't want bad marks on my records.

When I got in the classroom the teacher laughed at me whilst setting up a hologram for today's lesson. I wasn't bothered he does this a lot, I have my ways of figuring out what the holograms say.

I hope U.A won't do this to me on purpose, teachers there are heroes they wouldn't do that. Right?

"Izuku could you please read today's lesson?" The teacher asked the class stifled their laughter.

"It's about our career choices as you mumbled to yourself this morning." I stated dryly, I'm tired of this school's bullshit. He continued on mentioning things and pointing me out specifically. I just wrote in my notebook under the category "How to Not be A Hero" and added that to the list.

"You'd make a perfect skin suit." This slime thing spoke,

"I'm flattered, but I doubt you'd want a blind and quirkless skin suit." I stated and stabbed his eyeball with a pen.

"I AM- late apparently, young one, are you okay?" Fucking ALL MIGHT, my HERO asked me,

"I think you should be asking him that." I pointed to the slime thing

"HOW THE FUCK DID A BLIND PERSON CRIPPLE ME, QUIRKLESS NONETHELESS!?" He shouted in frustration All Might looked at me with a shocked expression,

"You're blind and quirkless, I might need to bring you to Nezu, with your parent's permission of course," he stated, shocked

"My parents pretend like I don't exist just take me to him." I said he flinched and jumped? towards U.A

"Nezu! Oh hi Aizawa, I need to show you this boy!" He yelled,

"What is it about this boy?" Nezu asked,

"This boy is blind and quirkless, and took down the slime villain as if it was nothing!" He said, now they were interested.

"Hey kid, why do you have glasses if you're blind?" Aizawa asked,

"When I was younger, and announced quirkless my mother broke my walking stick and neglected me. I taught myself some mechanic techniques and made myself these glasses that make a heat vision type deal thing, you can try them on if you like, I'll just need someone to direct me to you, or I could just follow your voice." I told them things that I'd never tell anyone else.

He accepted my offer and put them on, you could feel his surprise.

"Are there any downsides to these glasses?" Nezu asked

"Um, I can't see anything on T.Vs or holograms, my teachers at my school I just graduated from used that against me." I stated, Aizawa scoffed,

"And you're neglected as well, that's bullshit." He said dryly, another voice rang through the room

"Sho, honey, don't swear with children nearby." A loud man said

"Did you not hear the shit he deals with." Aizawa handed me my glasses back. It was Present Mic,

"No, if you could fill me in that'd be great." He said, and so they did. After a while Aizawa said something that shocked me

"I want him in my class, he is the walking definition of true hero, if you were to look it up in the dictionary, you'd see a picture of his face, he goes through problems like they're nothing." They all nodded in agreement

"I propose we find a way to bring him into our custody." Nezu proposed

"DIBS!" Hizashi yelled making us laugh. Nezu nodded

"I'm sure you could just ask her and she'd give you my documents and insurance." I said

"That bad?" Aizawa asked, I nodded.

And with that, Hizashi followed me home and asked her.

"Anything to get this useless shit out of my life." She said, her alcohol stained breath stinging my nose. Just like I said she brought down all of my legal papers, I grabbed my things from my room. A good majority of it being childhood clothes that I couldn't bring myself to get rid of.

"Is that really all you have!" Hizashi shrieked, I nodded. We walked back to U.A from there and talked.


I moved into Aizawa and Hizashi's home, it was a loads different than my old household. They were a lots more caring than my mother, they are a bit weird, but I don't mind.

"Entrance exams are tomorrow I want you to help me choose students for my class." Aizawa said, I nodded. Of course he would ask me, some people don't have flashy quirks to help them, he knows that it isn't just the quirk that makes you hero worthy.

Hey guys, welcome to another BNHA story on my account, it's an awfully common thing on the nerd that is myself's profile.

Constructive criticism is always excepted, but no hate please. I'm honestly doing the best I can, I have loads of stories I have to update, but if you want a specific story updated, tell me and it shall be done!

I like to appease to my readers if you couldn't tell. Anyways if you are one of the people that have read all of the books I have out, thank you, and if you're new welcome to our dysfunctional, accepting, and kind family. 😊

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