The Entrance Exam (and cats)

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The next day came at lightening speed, I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty excited to help people achieve the first step towards their dream.

That all ended when I saw Bakugou in the crowd, I should have known, he's wanted to be a hero since we were toddlers, but so did I. It's not my goal to crush his dream, as long as he gets his ego and anger together he'll be a great hero.

"Hey kid, 'see' anyone promising in the documents?" He asked, we shared a laugh and I nodded

"Plenty of them have potential, but not enough to get into your class, take Minorou Mineta, he doesn't even belong in a school for heroes, considering he already has charges against him for sexual assault, but if you look over here at Hitoshi Shinsou, he's hero worthy, he just doesn't the correct type of quirk to help him with the physical, it's more of a mental quirk, like yours," I began, "and of course these few students I have listed would go well in your class for all of these reasons, the rest of it is up to recommendations and whoever passes the tests." I finished, he nodded and then questioned me,

"Isn't Bakugou the kid that told you to jump off of a roof, why would you think he was hero worthy?" Oh boy, here we go,

"He's only like that because of his ego and anger issues, but I say a month or two in your class will straighten him out." I grinned mischievously he, joined in soon after. The other staff in the room looked quite scared, Yagi included.

"Babe, son, I love you guys, but please stop, save it for your class." Hizashi pleaded, we stopped because we love Hizashi too much.

"Have you found anyone worthy of your class yet?" Nezu asked, and climbed onto a chair. Aizawa gave him my list,

"I will say these students do have potential, but I'm curious as to why you put Mineta on the "NOOO!!" list." He looked at Aizawa and me.

"Countless charges of sexual assault, he doesn't even belong in the support course, those poor girls don't deserve that." I ranted, Nezu nodded and took Mineta's name off of the student chart. I went back to watching the students, writing down everything their weaknesses, their strengths, fight styles, etc.

"Hey kid, how much information do you have in that?" Aizawa looked at my notebook

"I actually have like 18 of these things, I brought them with me incase I needed to add on to anyone I already know's profile." Nezu then looked in my direction

"May I see these notebooks?" He asked, I grabbed my bag and sat it next to him.

"These are very intelligently written, when did you start doing this?" He pressed

"Ever since I could write correctly, in the beginning I asked my mom about her quirk, and that's how the obsession began." I fiddled with my fingers, the teachers got to my hero analyzations and looked at me, their jaws were practically on the floor.



It's hard to believe Inko would just give Deku away like that. I saw him with some of the teachers in the booth, he looked at me and wrote a bit, he was always writing about something.

I'm hoping we make it into the same class, so I can apologize to him, for everything. My parents recently had me put on medication to help with my anger, it also helped with my ego.

When we left I attempted to get his attention

"Hey Izuku!" He ran over to me

"You called me by my first name, you haven't done that since kindergarten." He was smiling, it was like the sun was beaming in my face

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