Chapter 6

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(Sonic's PoV)

It has been just one day already. The teacher cancelled school for me since Tails told him about me leaving. We knew what hospital we were going to, we knew when we were going to leave. Our only problem: how are we going to get there?

"We don't have a car, and a bus would cost too much money. Plus, you have to get on a bunch of different busses to get there, which could have more germs, and make you even more sick. So what do we do?" Tails said. All I did was shrug because I didn't know. Then there was a knock at the door.

Tails opened it and it was Rouge. I'm kinda surprised because she hardly comes to our house.

"Hey guys." She said. I waved at her letting her know my voice was gone. Rouge had already been informed big what has been happening to me.

"I just wanted to let you guys know that Shadow and I won't be available for a few weeks." She said.

"How come?" Tails asked.

"We have two separate missions. I don't know where my mission is yet, but Shadow's mission is in Miami." She replied. When she said 'Miami' my ears shot up.

"Miami you say?" Tails said.

"Yep," Rouge replied. "He's taking a trailer there in two days. Well, I just wanted to let you guys know. I'll cya later." Tails opened the door for her and closed it when she left. He also had a smirk on his face.

"Why are you smirking?" I wrote on the notebook.

"I think I may know a way to Miami." Tails said.

--------(Skip Two Days)----------

(Sonic's PoV)

"Tails, this is, by far, the most dumbest plan I have heard from you in my life." I wrote on the notebook that was staring to run out of paper.

His plan was for me to sneak into Shadow's trailer and ride with him until we get to Miami. We were investigating his trailer to see where would be a good place for me to hide while we ride.

"You could hide under the bed." Tails said. I went inside of the trailer and looked under the bed. It wasn't dirty, but it wasn't entirely clean, and it didn't look too comfortable.

"I know it doesn't look good, but if it's what it takes for you to get to Miami, then you better take your chances." Tails said as if reading my mind.

Tails had packed me a backpack. Inside was a few sandwiches, some bottles of water, three apples, a pillow he somehow managed to get in there, and a phone so I could text him. He couldn't come along because it would be too small for him.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye for now Sonic." Tails said sadly. I tried to fight back some tears, but some of them managed to run down my face. I gave Tails a hug and went under the bed. Tails had run out of the trailer as quick as he could.

Now all I have to do is wait and hope not to get caught. There was no way Shadow would've let me ride along with him if I asked him.

(Shadow's PoV)

"It's time for you to go Shadow." Rouge reminded me for the fifth time today. I finally finished packing my bags and was about to head out when Rouge turned me around.

"Remember the missing." She said pointing at me.

"Of course I remember Rouge." I said shaking my head. I left outside closing the door behind me. Rouge had already given me the key to the trailer when she first told me about the mission. I tried opening it with the key, but it was already open. 'Strange' I thought. 'It's probably nothing.' I went inside, set my bag down, and sat in the driver's seat. I put the key in the ignition and slowly turned.

(Sonic's PoV)

When I felt the trailer staring to move, my heart skipped a beat. I knew there was no turning back now. This may even be the last time I see this place.

'This is going to be a long trip.' I thought to myself.

I don't know if I made this chapter too short or too long, but it doesn't matter. Or maybe it does. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it 😊😊

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