Chapter 13

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(Shadow's PoV)

I couldn't sleep again. I just couldn't. I had a really bad thought on my mind. I know I should be happy because Sonic is going to get better with that cure, but I just have a bad feeling about tonight.

I have a bad feeling about myself.

Sonic had turned his back on me and was turning back my way. In the process, waking himself up.

"Shadow? Your awake? What's wrong?" He asked. You could still hear how tired he was by the way he talked.

"It's just-" I began. I didn't really know how to start. "It's just..back in the ark, I was made to be the cure to all diseases, but I couldn't cure Maria's disease." I said. He sat up next to me, making sure I knew he was listening.

"What if Maria had the same disease as you..and I can't heal you?" I said. I felt tears forming in my eyes that I tried to fight back.

"What if you die because of me?" I said closing my eyes trying my best to fight back the tears. I opened them and looked at Sonic. His ears were pinned against his head and he looked as if he was about to cry. But then, his ears perked up.

Then he smiled.

"You know that won't happen right?" He said. "You made a promise. Back in the ark, it wasn't your fault. If anything she was going to heal if it wasn't for those people who invaded. I know you can't fix the past, but I know you can help the future. Maria's loss wasn't your fault, always remember that."

I couldn't take it anymore. I wrapped my arms around Sonic and gave him the biggest hug I could. "Thank you.." I whispered.

He nodded and hugged me back. "So after this, can we please go to sleep?" He asked. I chuckled and pinched the tip of his ear. "Sure." I said.

That's when we heard a loud boom coming from outside. I got up and looked outside the window. I saw a huge robot coming for the hospital.

"Shit it's Eggman." I cursed. "Why now?"

"Well we better go handle it then, right?" Sonic said getting up too.

"We? No. You are staying here." I said picking him up and putting him down back on the bed. His ears went down.

"But I want to help. You could get hurt out there."

"And so could you, which is why I'd rather not risk it." I said sternly. He only pouted.

"Please?" He said doing puppy eyes. God damn it stop being cute!

"Fine." I said giving in. "But I'm bringing a First Aid Kit just in case you get hurt."

"Ok." He said hiding his excitement. Instead of walking through the door and going all the way around the building to get to Eggman, we went through the window. Hey when you got to defend a hospital, you got to be quick about it, right?

"Eggman!" Sonic said when he finally got to him.

"OH HO HO HO HO HO!" He cackled. "So I see you brought along a little friend to the fight did you Shadow?"

"He asked me, not the other way around." I growled. "Also, how did you keenow I would be here?" I asked. I was a little curious on how he knew my mission.

"Well let's just say: a little bird told me!" He said pointing to his robot. The robot looked like a huge crane, only it had spikes all over it. The only part that didn't have spikes was the hook of the crane.

"Was that supposed to be a joke..?" Sonic said super confused.

"You don't get it, because it's a crane, and there's a bird called a crane and- NEVERMIND!" He yelled. "Once I'm finished getting that cure, there will be no more jokes! BAHAHAHAHA!!"

"Not on my watch Eggman!" I said interrupting his laugh.

"Or m-mine!" Sonic chimed in. "What so you plan on doing with that cure anyway?"

"I plan in destroying it! Then, I will make a duplicate cure. Then, who ever gets the disease would have to pay me lots of  money to get the cure! It's a genius plan!"

"That's cruel. Your schemes have been taking a dark turn lately." Sonic said. "Also, why do you need to destroy it if your making a duplicate? Why don't you just keep it and move on with your plan from there?"

"Oh, I never thought of that." Eggman mumbled. "Oh well! Let's just get this over with so I can get to selling! ROBOT, ATTACK!"

The robot moved forward, swinging it's hook towards us. Sonic threw off his sweater and ran towards the hospital. He went to the window that the cure was in and blocked the window. The robot saw this and slowly, but at a steady pace, went towards Sonic.

"Sonic get away from it! It's going to hit you!" I yelled

"Let him hit me! He won't get to that cure!" He yelled/wheezed back.

Instead, the crane simply picked him up, and placed him far away. It stuck it's crane inside the open window and grabbed the case holding the cure.

"BAHAHAHAHA! YES, I WIN YOU LOOSE!" He yelled. Then, the case opened and out flew the glass container, holding the cure inside. It fell to the concrete and broke.

"Damn it." I cursed I saw Sonic from a few yards away running towards the robot. He aimed for the hook of the crane when he slipped on the liquid of the cure on the concrete. His aim was thrown off and instead of hitting the hook, he hit a spike.

My heart stopped. I could hear anything. I couldn't think of anything. I couldn't even hear Eggman swearing under his breath. Once I came back to reality, I rushed over to Sonic who was laying on his side, whimpering. I carefully turned him on his back and I saw the damage.

He had a huge scar across his stomach. Blood was gushing out of it, trickling down his side.

"Well look at the time, Orbot and Cubot are calling me for dinner I got to go bye! ROBOT, RETREAT!" He said, hovering away in his Eggmobile, the robot close behind.

I rushed over to where I sat down the First Aid Kit, grabbed it, and ran back to Sonic. I took out as much gauze that the box had and put it on his scar.

"S-Shadow i-it h-hurts.." He cried. He could barely speak.

"Shhhh, it's going to be Ok. Your going to be Ok." I said. My voice was shaky. I took the gauze off and slowly and carefully picked him up. I grabbed his sweater and ran towards the hospital.

------(A few minutes later)------

I ran after the doctors who  running Sonic to the emergency room. Sonic had passed out from blood loss.

"Will he be Ok?" I asked one of the doctors.

"I don't know. We have to examine  him first then we'll see what we can do." The doctor replied. They made it to the emergency room and closed the door behind them.

I put my hands on my face. 'God damn it. I shouldn't have let him come with me.' I thought. I knew I had a bad feeling tonight.

A few minutes had passed and I made my way to the waiting room. 'This is all my fault' I thought. 'I should've never let him come with me, I knew it would be too dangerous.'

I was starting to go to sleep. No, I need to stay awake. But maybe a small nap won't hurt.

I hope I didn't break my promise and loose someone else.

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