Chapter 1

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One week, three days, two hours, five minutes and thirty-three seconds; that's how long I had been stuck on this roof in DC after I ensured that Rick, Daryl and the rest of the group could escape the city.

Looking over the side I could see that while the Walkers who had congregated outside the building had slowly began to disperse there was still too many for me to fight through so I could escape. I couldn't even get close enough to grab one and cover myself in its' insides as the second I put a foot on the ladder they were there at the bottom waiting for me to fall and land in their decaying hands.

Even though I knew there was a risk I would die up here, I still had a sliver of hope that I would escape and make my way back to the others. However, as the days passed my hope was diminishing faster that the Walkers below. One week, three days, two hours, six minutes and ten seconds; despair was clawing at me, I needed to find a way off this roof now that my water and food rations had ended.


"What is with all the biters around here?" Eighteen-year-old Jenny and her sixteen year old brother Seth had made the trip into Washington DC hoping that they could pick up some food supplies and gas before heading to the Alexandria Safe-zone that they had heard about on the CB radio just before their father had been torn apart by the biters. However, it was a 70-mile journey and they were slowly getting close to running on fumes in their old beat up Toyota Prius. Looking up at the building from across the street they could see the undead literally surrounding the base, their dead eyes looking up as if they could see heaven from where they stood.

Pulling out the pair of binoculars that belonged to their father Jenny focused on the building to see what had caught the attention of the dead who were gathered around the old city hall, as she scanned the building her eyes caught movement on the roof by the old siren,

"Seth, I think someone is up there." She said as she handed the instrument to her younger brother. As he panned the roof, he spotted a raven-haired young girl up there, who looked about fifteen, staring out over the side of the roof before shaking her head when she could see the biters below her.

"Jenny, there is a girl up there; she only looks about fifteen. We need to help her." Jenny sighed as her brother said this, he was too kind-hearted for this world they lived in and still believed everyone was good natured.

"Seth, I don't think it is a good idea, look at all those biters. There are only two of us, how are we meant to help her?" She asked him,

"I don't know but we have to do something. I've still got those grenades we found on the bodies of those army people, maybe we can throw them to create a diversion and back track to get to her." He lifted the piece of mirror in his hand and furiously started signalling to the girl on the building. As the light caught her eyes she looked down in their direction; suddenly she was using something metallic to signal back to them. S.O.S.

"Fine but keep the grenades, I still have the firecrackers we got from the last town. I'll set some off in a trash can and hope that they follow the noise. Get ready with the car I'll meet you on the corner if we back it into the alleyway then she can climb in through the sunroof." Shaking her head, she left the store they were in and made her way to the corner barely thirty feet away from the herd. "Heavenly father, please protect me so that I don't get killed for my stupidity." Lighting the fuse, she quickly ran knowing that the firecrackers only had a twenty second window before they exploded. As the firecrackers went off, she could see the herd following the noise so quickly she jumped into the car to protect her brother has he made a mad dash to the alley way. Reversing she made sure the sunroof was below the fire escape where she could see the girl was climbing down from the ladder, her brother now stood on the roof to give her encouragement.

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