Chapter 7

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*3rd POV*

She was back, he couldn't believe it. He had been assured by Simon that no one would ever find her again, that was the deal they had made. Now she was back, and he had to find a way to get rid of her.

The Motorbike and the Scotch hadn't worked, so now it was time to matters into his own hands. He picked up the sniper rifle he had stolen from the armoury. He wouldn't do it here as there were too many people around. He would wait until she went out on a run and follow her.

He would find a way to get rid of Kenzie once and for all.

*Kenzie's POV*

I stood in the tower watching the road while I waited for Daryl and Rick to return. Looking at the camera's I had seen that they were just outside Stevenage. Ten more minutes and they would be home.

Rubbing my shoulder, I turned to look around Alexandria, for one second I could've sworn that eyes were watching me, but everyone was going about their own business. Still the feeling of watching eyes didn't leave me. Shaking myself I realised that of course people would glance up at me while I was stood in the tower.

Forcing myself around I glanced back out at the road picking up my rifle. There were a couple of walkers milling around outside the gate which needed to be taken out before the truck got here. Lining up the cross hairs I took both out in quick succession. Knowing I couldn't leave them there I climbed down the ladder and opened the gate so I could slip through.

Grabbing the first corpse under the armpits I moved it to the side of the road before walking towards the other one. Once both bodies were out of the way I turned and saw the van was getting closer to the parked cars. Before I could move towards the cars some other towns people slipped out to move the cars out of the way while Carl opened the gate to allow the van to drive in.

Walking in behind the van I tapped Carl on the shoulder before making my way to the passenger side where I had seen Daryl sat with something in his arms. Opening the door, I was shocked to see a baby sleeping in his arms.

"Daryl?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, "Is there something you need to tell me?" He smiled before handing me the child so he could climb out of the van before he gave me a quick hug.

"Came across a couple of kids. The boy had been bit and the girl had gone into labour." He shook his head and took the sleeping child back from me, "Both died just after their little boy was born. We bought the bodies back so we could bury them."

"So, what are you going to do with him?" I asked as the child woke up and started mewling.

"I was thinking I could raise him. He needs a family." He said looking at me, "I'd understand if you don't want to help me out with Chris..." before he could continue, I placed a hand on his lips.

"Of course, I'll help out with Chris?" I took the little boy off him and bought him close to my body. "Did you get any formula I'll take some into Aarons and we can feed both him and Grace." Nodding he reached into the back to pull out a bag containing bottles and formula. Taking it off him I made my way to Aarons where he was sat on the porch rocking Grace. Seeing me he looked on in shock.

"Kenzie, is that a baby in your arms?" He said as I climbed onto the porch, placing the ruck sack by his feet. Quickly he puts Grace in the Moses basket and reaches for the child in my arm. "Give him to me you look a bit awkward holding him there."

Nodding my head, I hand over my precious cargo, "Daryl met up with his parents. They died just after he was born." As Aaron rocked him Eric came out onto the porch.

"So, are you and Daryl going to raise him?" He asked as he picked up the ruck sack. I shrugged my shoulders,

"I guess so. He asked me to help out." Smiling Eric walked over to the little boy and rubs his blonde hair.

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