Chapter 9

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Back at Alexandria Josh was thrown into the jail cell while Liv and Michonne unloaded the truck. We had managed to get a lot of material, but there was still so much more there to collect. We had an old barn in the town, so Rick was going to sort out runs to collect the rest of the material. He was going to also ask the surrounding communities to help so they could have a store of material too. People would need clothes for winter. Autumn was well underway and winter in Washington felt like a cold snap to those who were caught in it.

There were a team of women in all the communities who were going to start making clothes. But first I had a fitting I needed to attend.

It had taken Liv two weeks to finish the dress and I couldn't wait to see it. Daryl had already spoken to Father Gabriel and we were set to get married tomorrow morning. I never thought I would ever get married, especially when the world turned to shit. I also never thought I would get married to a red necked prick who made my heart beat harder.

"Liv, I'm here." Pushing open the door I walked into her living room where dress makers mannequin was set up. I stood in awe at the dress before me.

The skirt was cream that flared out to pool around my ankles, but the bodice was black. I chuckled at the thought of Liv managing to sneak the skull and crossbones' material out of the building without me seeing it.

"What do you think?" She asked as she removed it from the mannequin.

"Liv, its beautiful." I said as tears pricked my eyes. "Can I try it on?" She nodded her head while I stripped out of the clothes. When I was stood there in just my underwear, she helped pull the dress over my head. As the satin material fell over my body, I turned to look in the full-length mirror. I looked like a fairy tale princess in the dress. In the mirror I could see her placing a crown of wildflowers on my head.

"I'm going to do your hair in the morning. Now I know you said no to a veil, but I found this." She held up a half veil which had a comb on it so it could attach to the top of my head. But instead of falling in front of my face it fell down my back. There was some intricate embroidery on it of purple flowers.

"Liv that is gorgeous." My fingers felt the veil as I looked on in awe. "I'm getting married tomorrow." Looking up I could see the tears in Liv's eyes.

"Yeah you are." We smiled at each other before we started laughing.

After a restless night I was now sat in front of the dressing table while Liv styled my hair. It had felt strange sleeping in a bed on her own without the soft snores of Daryl in my ears, or the snuffles of Chris as he laid in his cot.

"Do you want more coffee Kenzie?" Liv asked as she pinned up my hair.

"No thanks Liv, if I drink anymore, I'm going to be bouncing off the walls." Sighing I watched as she finished pinning up my hair before she placed the crown and veil on my head. I had changed into my dress earlier so the hairstyle wouldn't ruined by the garment. Also, Liv had surprised me this morning with a matching set of peek-a-boo blue underwear. The bra held up my breasts, so they appeared to be spilling out over the top of my dress, while the French style knickers had the gusset missing for easy access. There was also a garter made of the same material that I had put on. I felt like a million dollars. As I stood up there was a knock at the door.

As Aaron walked in, I turned to face him. His eyes practically bugged out of his head when he saw me in the dress. "Kenzie you look amazing." He said as he reached to take my arm. "You ready?" Nodding my head, I let him lead me out of the door.


We were now stood outside the church. I could hear people chatting inside and immediately my stomach started to churn. I hated being the centre of attention and doing this would through me into the spotlight. My feet froze as Aaron tried to walk away, causing him to look back at me.

"Kenzie?" He asked but I was just stood there like a deer in the headlights.

"Aaron...I can't do this." I said stepping back. Hearing all the people inside made me realise that I just wanted to a small gathering, not the whole town to witness when we joined together for the rest of our natural lives.

"Kenzie. Its only two steps and then you will be able to see Daryl." He said but I pulled from his hands and ran back to the gazebo.


He had heard the voices of Kenzie and Aaron inside, but as time passed, they didn't come in the door. He was stood here waiting for her and she ran. Suddenly the door opened, and Aaron ran in.

"Daryl." He said as he walked up the aisle. Immediately Daryl met him halfway.

"Where is she Aaron?" He asked as his friend led him towards the door. He pointed where he could see Kenzie sat underneath the gazebo. Resting his head on his friends shoulder he started to walk towards her.



I jumped as I heard Daryl walking up beside me. "Kenzie." He said as he turned me to face him.

Looking up at him I could see the concern in his eyes. "Why did ya run?" He asked as he cradled my face in his hands.

"I'm sorry I panicked. I heard all the people in there and ran." I said as I saw him sigh in relief.

"So, you still want to marry me?" He asked while I nodded my head. Gently he kissed me on the lips. "You look beautiful by the way." He said and it was then I noticed what he was wearing. Gone was the leather vest and in its place was a black button-down shirt. Resting my hands against his chest I could feel his heartbeat underneath my palms.

"It's a beautiful day. We can have the wedding out here." I looked up and saw Father Gabriel stood there with Rick and Aaron beside him. Nodding my head, I turned to look at Daryl,

"Let's get married."

Waiting for Tomorrow: a Daryl Dixon fanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora