Chapter XVII (Part II)

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Sitting on the comfortable and plush seat of the luxurious car, Anamika looked out of the window. The weather which was pleasant till now had drastically changed.

Wild currents of wind were making the lush and heavy trees sway uncontrollably. Light but steady drizzle had also started, complementing the already heavily unstable weather.

Suddenly instead of the light drizzle, it started raining heavily. And this was how the Lucknow itself welcomed them.

She nudged the sleepy figure beside her, "How long are you going to sleep? My shoulder is practically numb now." Anamika complained softly.

"Till we arrive. Now, let me have some moments of peace." Ira murmured groggily, making Anamika smile down at her.

Putting the earphones on she immersed in the flow of music. As she was a classical dancer what piqued her interest in music was also classical music.

Currently they were on their way to Eklavya's grandparent's home. Or their ancestral home according to Advay. The engagement ceremony was going to be held there.

The Gahlot family have deep roots in Lucknow. And most of their close family members and immediate relatives lived here. When Raghvendra's father insisted for the engagement ceremony to be held here Vikrant couldn't refuse.

From what Advay told her, she gathered that Eklavya's grandfather was quite persistent about holding the ceremony at their home. And again, Vikrant found it rather difficult and disrespectful to not heed the old man's words.

After an auspicious date was fixed by the priest Ira had instantly ordered the siblings along with Naina, Saanvi and Iqra to attend her engagement. The wedding date was fixed at the end of this year, in the winters.

But much to the poor girl's dismay, Iqra had already gone to her maternal grandparents' home. Naina's mother didn't grant her permission. Saanvi was already in Lucknow, but her phone was unreachable nowadays.

Coming down to her family, her mother had her office to take care off. Grandma couldn't come due to her back-pain issues. Grandpa who was devotee of his wife rejected the very thought of coming without his wife.

And Shivangi had some commitments she had made before. In the end, only her and Aarav were left who had no reason to not attend the engagement.

Since her little Muku died in that car crash, she had piously avoided gatherings and crowd. She still wasn't over the fact that Muku was gone.

Her maa had a bitter talk with lady whose son run over the pups. And the lady refused to apologise or let her son apologise for the heinous crime he committed. Though the elders of the neighbourhood were somehow able to calm the raging atmosphere. Her family had cut all the ties with their family.

Anamika's inner thoughts came to a halt when she heard his voice.

"We're here." Eklavya stated monotonously as he continued looking ahead, sitting on the passenger seat.

But she could also sense a steely grimness in his voice. 'What was wrong with him?'

He sounded off since they landed. 'Was he not enthralled at the prospect of meeting his grandparents?'

After their countless fateful encounters, she had somehow started to think that she could understand the raven haired, obsidian eyes boy. But she was drastically wrong. Right now, she couldn't even pin-point what was actually troubling him.

Though a storm was wreaking havoc outside. A storm was already churning inside him.

Sighing, she nudged awake Ira, who rubbed open her eyes groggily, looking like an adorable child. Who could say that this was the girl whose engagement was going to happen.

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