1. Im so dead

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"I'm so dead! Shit!" I mumbled as I ran to the dungeons for my DADA class with Professor Snape. It wasn't my fault though. The Weasley twins pulled a prank on me which caused me to have to change robes. Once I reached the door, I opened it and ran to my seat, hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Ms.Beckman, you're late." He said as he wrote things on blackboard with his back turned to the class.

"No shit." I mumbled.

"What was that?" He asked turning around. Im dead!

"I said 'yes sir'. Professor, I can explain why I was late." I told him standing up.

"Oh, really? Tell me about it after class." I nodded and sat down. 

The rest of class was filled with writing and mistakes. I spilled ink all over my parchment, Draco was bothering me and I got in trouble for telling him to quit, and Snape embarrassed me infront of the entire class. 

It was now the end of class and everyone left. Except me. I walked up to Snape's desk with my head down and waited for him to say something. 

"Do you know why I kept you after class, Ms. Beckman?"

"Because the Weasley twins pulled a prank on me and I had to change my robes." I answered him, looking through my long black hair.

"Is that the reason? Or, were you 'having fun' with the Weasley twin in your dormitory?" He raised his voice. I looked into his black eyes to but I saw something i'd never seen in his eyes before. Sadness.

"Professor, are you okay? You look sad." I asked him and I saw a pink tint come to his cheeks.

"My emotions are non of your concern. You have detention after dinner. Dont be late for that." I could've sworn I saw him smirk but it was gone before I could tell if it was. "Ms. Beckman, why are you staring at me?" Damn it, he saw!

"I thought I saw you smirk. Im sorry, sir." I blushed and looked down.

"Come back after dinner, Ms. Beckman." I nodded and left his room.

Shit, he caught me staring at him.

Hello reader! Im sorry for it being short but plz leave a comment to tell me what to do! Bye reader!

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