20. Sit your blonde ass down

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I sat down with Lily as students started to come in. Slytherins were staring at me and Hermione, Ron and Harry walked to my desk and made sure no one could see me.

"Do you have her?" Harry asked. I moved the sheet so they could see her face. Ron looked behind him and he turned back to us.

"Malfoy's coming!" He whisper yelled. I covered Lily's face and waited for him to walk over. He pushed past Harry and Hermione and squinted at me.

"What are you three staring at?" Draco asked, looking between me and Hermione. "Whatever. Hey slut, I head you and Snape are together. My father will hear about this. Dumbledore will send him to Azkaban for dating a minor. And you'll be se-"

"For your information, Malfoy, I'm not a minor. I'm 18." I snarled at him.

"You're not 18! That's bullshit!"

"Today's my birthday you ideot! Now go sit your blonde, snobby ass down before I make you!" I warned. He rolled his eyes and sat down. Harry and Ron slowly backed away before sitting down. Hermione sat down and took Lily from me.

"Wow Kylista. You dont like Malfoy, do you?" Hermione joked. I glared at her and she giggled. I put my head on her shoulder and she put her head on mine. Severus came in the classroom and looked at everyone.

"Turn to page 394." He glared at everyone. I turned mine and Hermione's book and went back to looking at him. "Now I want for you to copy and study these pages." Everyone groaned except Hermione and I. "Shut it!" He yelled. "Now copy them or you will get detention. Get to work." I waited until he was walking around to talk to him through thought.

'Sev, Malfoy knows! He knows about you and me! He said he'd tell his dad and you'd go to Azkaban! Im scared!'  He looked at me and gulped.

'Oh no. What all did he say?'

'He said that he'd tell his father and that Dumbledore will send you to Azkaban. Im really scared.'  He took a deep breath and nodded.

'It'll be ok, honey. I promise.'  I smiled and nodded.

"Dada!" Lily yelled. My eyes widened and i looked at where Hermione was holding Lily. "Dada Dada!"

"Class dismised!" Severus yelled. Everyone except Hermione and i got their stuff and left. Once everyone was gone, he closed the door and stared at Hermione. "Did she just ta-"

"Dada!" Lily yelled again. Hermione uncovered Lily and gave her to me. Lily looked around until she saw Severus and reached for him. "Dada! Dada!" He smirked and held her. "Dada!" She cuddled into him.

"That was adorable!" I said. "Lily, say 'mama'." I said in a baby voice.

"Mama!" She exclaimed and reached for me. I took her and she cuddled into my shoulder.

"Her first words!" Hermione exclaimed. "Say 'Hermione'."

"Mermine!" Lily said and reached for her. She giggled and took Lily. I grabbed Severus' hand and intertwined our fingers. He gave my hand a squeeze and I rested my head on his arm.

"Four words, one day. Wow." He said. Lily looked behind Severus and smiled.

"Dumbdore!" She exclaimed. We looked at the door and Dumbledore was standing there, smiling. He walked to us and Lily reached for him.

"Hello Professor Dumbledore." I said. He kissed Lily's cheek and smiled. 

"Hello Ms. Beckm-, oops! I mean, Mrs. Snape." He said with a wink. He looked at Hermione and handed her Lily. "Ms. Granger, please take her outside. I have to talk to these two." She nodded and walked outside.

"What is it, Albus?" Severus asked. Dumbledore shook his head and sighed.

"Young Mr. Malfoy visited my office today and told me that he knew you two were together." He shook his head and smirked. "He also said that Kylista was bulling him." I giggled and Severus raised his eyebrow and looked at me.

"He said he'd tell his father about us and Severus would be sent to Azkaban for dating a minor. I told him that im not I minor because todays my birthday and im 18 now. He said that it was bullshit then I told him to sit his blond snobby ass down before I made him." Severus and Dumbledore laughed and Severus puled me closer to him.

"Sir, what are you going to do about Malfoy?" Severus asked Dumbledore.

"I wont listen.  Him and his father are rude and annoying." Dumbledore said.

"You got that right." Severus and I said.

"I better be going. Oh and Kylista, Happy Birthday."

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