Falling Rock

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Kirishima POV

I saw Bakugo in the kitchen cooking. I waved to him then speed-walked upstairs. I'll face him tomorrow.

Bakugo POV

I ate, I slept, and now I'm waiting outside my door. That little fucker is taking forever. He's already five minutes late and I am seriously debating pounding on his door or just leaving. 

"Bakubro!" Kirishima yells even though he is legit right next to me. He's in a tight black tank top and some basketball shorts. "Didn't realize you liked tight clothing!" 

He gestures to my leggings and I just respond with 'tch'. I don't like tight clothes, but I gave up wearing loose pants when they kept getting caught on edges. When I turn around to walk, he doesn't follow. I look over my shoulder to yell at him but he's bright red.

"You good Tomato face?" He meets my eyes and nobs rapidly, then rushes up next to me. He won't look at directly at me and keeps his eyes on the ground. Why the fuck is he red? ( let's say it together: dat assssss ) 

We manage to get out of the building and to the place without him passing out from blushing or anything. He asked me a few questions like, "Do we need harnesses?" "What's that little pouch you have?" "Are you wearing leggings to increase mobility?" I responded no, chalk powder, and yes. 

"Here we fucking are," I say as we walk through the door. The Cliffs is my favorite rock climbing gym, although I prefer climbing outside. Today I decided to get some practice in and I could show Kirishima how to climb without him dying or something. Cause that would fucking suck. 

"Hey Bakugo! Brought a friend for the first time huh?" says Mr. Iwa. Kirishima looks at me in a sort of pride and happiness. Why did Mr. Iwa have to say shit like that?!

"Whatever. He needs size 10s and to get out of those heinous crocs." Kirishima pouts but thanks Mr. Iwa for the shoes. He also signs a form for safety as I slip on my custom climbing shoes. They say DIE on the bottom and I fucking love them.

"You start on that wall with the light greens. It's not all about brute strength, you have to find the right path. If you need help, holler at me," I inform him before heading to the opposite side of the room. I have completed most of the paths here, except for the black. I don't know what the fuck Mr. Iwa did but I will murder it with skill. By my third try, Kirishima is yelling. Thank fucking god no one else is here.

"BAKUGO! I'M AT THE TOP!" he screams. 


I swear he's a natural. I assume it's cause he's a fucking rock. I take a break from the black route and practice dark purple. Kirishima is already only a few routes from me.

"How the fuck are you good at rock climbing?!" 

"Oh bro, I really like arm and leg exercises. So I can do some of those swingy and jumping tricks easier," he says with a brightass smile. I should've brought sun glasses, he's gonna blind me before I finish this route.

"Can you help me with this one though? I don't get it."

I smirk and mutter, "Finally dumbass." It's light purple and I realize he's gripping too hard.

"You're grabbing too hard, you'll tire yourself idiot. Loosen up!" I yell from below. 

"Ok dude!" he yells back, then falls back. Holy shit.

"FUCK!" I yell as he topples back onto me. We hit the mat, but he's still on me. As he gains his bearings and sits up, I realize he is on top of me. And my face is getting red. And so is his. 

"S-sorry Bakugo!" he yells and jumps off of me. I can hear Mr. Iwa laughing from behind the front desk.

"Its fucking fine. We should go soon, I want food," I say simply. I am not taking a chance of that happening again. The black route can wait for another day.

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