So You Actually Fucking Like Me?

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Hey hey hey! (wrong fandom, haikyuu anyone?) Thank you sm for 200 views and 30+ votes, and special thanks to y'all who came from Secrets. Anyways, let's get back to our confused gay teens.

Kirishima POV

No Bakugo in study hall, which could be a bad sign considering a slightly disheveled Todoroki and worried Midoriya show up instead. I guess he isn't as over Midoriya as he says. I sigh and twirl my pencil, not focusing on the homework I could be doing.

"Soooooo, how'd it go with Bakugo?" a concerned Kaminari asks, with Mina and Sero right behind him.

"Not bad. He didn't bring it up and he nodded when I said  best friends is good, he nodded."

Surprisingly, all my friends cringed at the statement. I thought that went well?

"Dude, you totally just went back on your confession," Sero says while putting an arm on my shoulder.

"You really need to sit down and talk to him normally, without running out," Mina adds.

"Guys, I would but I don't think he likes me. So shouldn't I just take best bros since its the best safe option?"

"You'll never know how he feels till you talk to him," Kaminari responds. I would make a joke about his relationship advice sucking, but my other friends nod. I continue to twist my pencil in thought when the bell rings.

"I'll try guys," I say while grabbing my bag.

"Tell us what happens babes!" Mina shouts at me as I walk out the door. Be a man Eijiro, you are going to actually figure this out.

Bakugo POV

I do my homework way too fast. My determination to do something to get my mind off that red head has driven me to finish projects due weeks from now, write down 20 new recipes I want to try, and create a playlist for when I date someone. The last one obviously didn't help my thoughts. And neither did the knock on my door.

"Hey Bakugo, can I come in?" 

I hesitate, weighing the pros and cons. If I let him in, will he tell me he loves being my friend and nothing more? Obviously he never fucking clarified what "I like you" meant, and maybe I looked too much into it thinking he actually liked me. He also could actually like me, I could see what kissing a dude is actually like, and we would destroy Deku and Knock off Zuko as the most powerful couple in the school.

I open the door.

"Yeah okay, just take off those crocs and leave them in the hall," I say while opening the door. He smiles at my comment.

"I can't just leave them, what if someone comes and steal them? Crocs are expensive, and I just got a new Crimson Riot pin!" he giggles out while taking off his crocs and leaving them right next to my shoes inside my room. I sigh and we sit on the bed. It feels normal, until the silence weighs in and reminds us what was said here yesterday.

"So do you actually fucking like me?" I manage to say. He looks up at my for a second, then down at his criss crossed legs.

"I... I like you as more than a friend, yeah."

"And you don't mean as, what the fuck do you call us ummmm, best bros?"

"Well of course I like you as a best bro!" he says defensively before calming down again. "But I also like you as something more than that."

"And you don't mean best best bros right?"

"Oh my gosh, I like you romantically okay Bakugo!" he shouts. He looks at me and his cheeks are flushed red, his eyes both upset and worried. I sit staring back at him, just taking it in.

"So you actually fucking like me?"

Oooh, Happy Mother's Day too! There's one more hour of it left in my timezone, so go wish your moms and mother figures a great day!

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