Chapter two

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The three gathered around Raph and looked at the poor mutated girl.

"It's a centaur!" Mikey screamed.

Raph opened his mouth to explain how stupid his little brother was, but Donnie answered first.

"Actually, a centaur is a mythical creature of a man with a horse body from the waist down."

"So she could be part centaur!" Mikey concluded.

"Or." Leo dragged out. "She could be an innocent civilian that got mutated."

"That too!" Said Mikey.

"What should we do with her?" Raph asked ignoring Mikey's stupidity.

"Well," said Leo. "It's too dangerous to leave her out here. I guess we have to bring her to the lair."

"Wait!" Mikey shouted. "What if she's some killer mutant. And she's asleep waiting for someone to kill and stuff!"

"Uhh, Mikey..." Leo started.

But before he could finish Mikey grabed an empty soda can.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.

"We need to make sure she's really passed out. Trust me, I read this in a comic book."

"Uh Mikey I really don't think.."

Mikey chunked the soda can at the horse-girl. It hit her harmlessly with a plunk! But the girl remained unconscious.

"Okay she's good." Mikey said.

The turtles made their way to the sewers.

Raph carried the girl bridal style in his arms.
Since he was the strongest they agreed he would be the one to carry her there. But Raph didn't know how he felt about that. He wasn't exactly the gentlest guy. She seemed so delicate, and helpless. Just the thought of her getting hurt drove him insane.

Every once in a while he would look down at the girl in his arms. Her head rested against his chest, and he would observe all of her facial features. Since her eyes were closed, their color remained a mystery. If only they would flutter open just so he could see what they were. But he knew what would happen if they did....she would scream at the sight of him.

Suddenly he stumbled over something. He quickly regained his balance.

The other turtles laughed at his mishap. And Raph felt hot all over.

He looked around to see that they were already in the sewers. He was so busy staring at her, he had no idea where they were going.

His temper began to rise. "Focus!" he said to himself.

This was not like him. Normally he would try to avoid, all kind of mushy romance stuff. Whether it was on tv or listening to Donnie's love sickness, he hated it! It was the main reason he read comic books, he needed action and violence, not stupid love at first sight, or true love's kiss nonsense!

He has to keep his head on right! He was a Ninja. She was a girl that needed his help. That all there was! And that was all there was going to be!

"I know one thing for sure," he thought. "I am not going to fall for this girl!"

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