Last First Kiss,l Will Never Stop Loving You ♥(The End)

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  • Dedicated to This goes out to all of you Stars l love you all

Final chapter to this story.Thanks so much for reading you guys,you're all amazing.Honestly l'll miss writing for Louis,but lt must be done.

Sofia's P.O.V.

l lied next to Louis in his arms."l love you"he whisperd trying to catch his breath.l smiled trying to catch my own breath"l love you too"l said honestly.He pulled me closer to him."We should stop,if we keep going on this way l might get you pregnant agiain,not that l have a problem with that"Louis said."l don't want you to stop"l said."Neither do l"he said as he leaned down and kissed me again.

"Sofia you know it's bad luck for you to stay with Lou the day before you get married"Eleanor said."We were together last night"l mutterd."That's different you're getting married in 2 days,so you're staying with me"she said'"Are you really ready to hear Sophy cry at 2:00am?"l asked hoping she would say no."Yup"she said popping the 'P'."Fine"l said giving up."Don't pout Sof,it's not like you guys didn't parted yesterday"Perrie said making me blush"Perrie!,how do you guys even know these things,it's private"l said."Or so you thought,your flat is not sound proof me and Zayn could hear both of you"Perrie said."lm moving away from you guys"l said embarrassed."But we love you"Eleanor said.l heard a faint cry."Be back in a jiffy"l said getting up"l got her love"Louis said walking out with Sophy."Aww,l want someone like Lou"Eleanor said.l didn't argue with her statement.Louis has been a great father these past few months.Yeah it's been months,im already nineteen and Sophy is already 4 months old."Look at you"Perrie said making a funny face at Sophy who just laughed in Louis arms.He came and sat down next to me.He sat Sophy on his lap as he placed an arm around my shoulder and kissed my cheek.

"Aww you guys paint pretty picture"El said."We'll be painting a prettier one soon"Louis said as he placed a hand on my stomach."Yeah,you get to have Tommy soon"Melissa said.l noded and Louis eyes lit up."l can't ask for more.lm getting married with the woman l love,l have a beautiful daughter and im going to have a beautiful son.What else can l ask for"Louis said."You're to sweet"Perrie said."Lou stop it,l don't want Perrie getting any ideas of how l should be"Zayn said jokingly"My Bradfort bad boy"Perrie said kissing him."l can't wait for your wedding next year"l said grining.Zayn had fianlly done it.He had pruposed to Perrie in Paris under the eiffle tower.She was so happy.El and Harry were finally dating and they were both happy.Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of her and to be honest they were perfect for each other.Liam and Krissy were official,Danielle and Nathan were official as well,and Niall and Melissa were also engaged.Mel told me how it went and it was actually funny.

"Hey Mel,you know that Sofy and Lou are getting married and Zayn pruposed to Perrie"Niall asked."Yeah,l was with you when they told us"Melissa said chuckling."Well l was wondering,shit.Come on Niall just say it.Fuck,Melissa will you marry me"Niall said fidgetting in his jacket until he pulled out a ring."Yes!"she answerd throwing herself onto him.

"You lovely wify,have an interview today so get your bum moving"Louis said.l glared playfully at him and he just looked at me with a was contagious and l started smiling as well"What?"l asked.He smiled bigger"I look at you, I smile. I think about you, I smile. We talk, I smile. I can't believe that I fell in love with you."he said.l leaned down and pecked him then l kissed Sophy's forhead."l love seeing you guys you're like the best love story,turned to a movie ever maid.The way you look at Sof,thousands of girls would kill for someone to look at them that way.You just show pure love everytime you're together"Eleanor said to Louis."l love her to death"was all Louis answerd with a smile.

"So Sofia,comparing yourself now to how you were before l have to say you've matured.Tell me what's the reason for this new Sofia"Allan asked."lt's simple really"l said looking at my hand.The ring on my finger always made me smile and nowing that l would arrive to Louis,Sophy and Tommy for the rest of my life brought me joy."I can laugh because I've known sadness. I am fearless because I have been afraid. I am wise because I've been foolish.My life has changed because of the people l love.l have amazing friends that are like an extended family,an amzing lover who still makes me weak at the knees a beautiful little girl that calls me mommy and a little boy waiting to be brought to ths world.The new Sofia is still the same old Sofia,just more complete"l answerd.

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