Part 1

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Bede tangled his hand into his hair, and glared down at the book in front of him. He hated the tests and revisions that he was forced to go through on a daily basis, studying topics and subjects he had already learnt at the start of his trainer schooling, it was like he was being treated as a child instead of the next gym leader of Ballonlea. But despite how much he despised the teachings, he didn't dare oppose Opal.

He took the chance to slyly glance up at the old lady. She still sat opposite him, but was focused on the tea in front of her, drinking it daintily like the lady she was. Bede quickly looked back down at his book; though she didn't have her attention on him, and in comparison he could easily overwhelm her, he felt the pressing need to obey her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but whenever it came to Opal, it felt like there was no escape from her clutch no matter what he thought of. Bede thought of her as a witch, but he wouldn't say it to her directly and buckled down with his studies. After all, the prospect of surpassing her in terms of being a capable gym leader and making her beg for forgiveness was an enticing thought, he just wished that future would become a reality sooner rather than later.

After a few silent moments passed, there was a knock at the door, which made both of them look up.

"Come in," Opal invited as she set her tea down. The door opened and one of the gym staff stepped in "Something wrong Annette?"

"Not quite Ms. Opal," She replied, and immediately turned to Bede "Sorry to disturb you Bede, but you have a visitor".

"A visitor?" Bede shot a quick look to Opal, who didn't seem to make any sign of opposition, so stood up from his seat "It's probably a challenger. I best deal with them quickly".

"Yes you must" Opal responded as she returned to sipping on her tea.

All too eager to have a few minutes away from Opal and her tests, Bede hurried out of the back room, and with a sigh of relief marched his way to the entrance of the gym. He didn't know who the challenger was, and felt a little sorry for their inevitable demise, but he needed to vent before he could return to Opal.

But as he walked out into the lobby to greet his visitor, he found that his problem was only going to get worse not better.

"Hey Bede!" Victor called out to him when he spotted the gym leader, and approached.

Bede crossed his arms over his chest "What's this? You're not satisfied beating me in front of your hundreds of adoring fans so you wish to humiliate me in my own gym? I won't let you do that to me champion".

Victor seemed taken back by the harsh words "That's...not what I was planning on doing".

"Then I have no interest in talking to you right now. Unlike you I have work I need to do, so I can't be fooling around with the likes of you".

"Ah! But this is important!"

"Then save it for the champion cup, I'm not interested in doing an exhibition match with you here—"

"I came for advice!"

Cut off, Bede could only stare at Victor in surprise. Was his rival truly asking him for advice? They didn't get along, and for Bede, even if Victor was the last person on earth he'd rather die than rely on him. He figured that the feeling was mutual, and that the only time the two could acknowledge each other was in the field of battle.

He was a little intrigued at what could have driven Victor to such desperation.

"Advice?" Bede repeated "What kind of advice would you want from me?"

"I...! I can't say it here!" Victor scanned around anxiously at the other staff members, though they were out of ear shot from anyone else, he seemed worried about anyone overhearing what they had to say.

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