Part 3

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"Bede," Bede turned around as one of the staff approached him, and she pointed to the direction of the reception "There's a boy asking for you".

Bede immediately frowned "By any chance, is this boy the champion?" He queried. He was met with silence, as she tried to hide a nervous smile, but it told him all he needed to know. With a sigh he waved a dismissive hand "Fine, I'll go deal with him".

He walked past his employee, and headed to the lobby, dead set on sending Victor packing this time.

Walking out into the entrance, he spotted Victor sitting on one of the sofas. He had his legs pulled up into a tight huddle, held together with his arms, and his face buried in his knees. He didn't look up when Bede approached him.

"We don't allow shoes on the furniture in here" Bede scolded.

Though his face remained planted into his knees, Victor shifted ever so slightly, and Bede noticed that his feet moved around instead. One foot hooked the back of his shoe, and managed to wriggle it off his foot, letting it drop to the floor with a loud thud. He repeated the action with his other shoe so both lay forgotten on the floor, and he sat huddled on the sofa in his socks instead.

"That's not what I meant!" Bede hissed, but restrained himself when his loud tone caught the attention of the other staff members "Whatever it is you want to say, I don't want to hear it, so clear off will you?"

"But Bede!" Victor lifted his head up, his eyes seemed dull and weak, like he hadn't slept well "I'm at my wits end here! I need your help!"

"I'm sure I made it perfectly clear how I couldn't care less about your drama," Bede curtly said, and brushed back some of his hair "Go bug someone else with your love troubles".

"Bede!" Victor reached out, grabbing hold of Bede's arm "I really mean it!"

"Don't touch me!" Bede managed to shake off Victor's hold, and brushed his sleeve down as if dirt had tainted him, grumbling about Victor's impertinence under his breath.

Victor was about to speak, but caught a faint whisper from two of the gym's staff, talking under hushed voices as they watched the two interact. An idea quickly formed.

Victor jumped to his feet and grabbed Bede again, on both arms tightly, making escape near impossible. Bede immediately tensed up, and became flushed at the action.

"But you're the only one I can depend on Bede!" Victor pleaded, speaking much louder than he had been.

"Sh-Shut up will you?!" Bede tried to force Victor's hands off of him, but found that his iron grip was stronger than he had anticipated "And let go of me!"

"Please Bede! Don't be cruel! I just want your advice! I can't do it by myself, it's all hopeless—!"

"Enough!" Bede managed to push Victor off of him, and once free, adjusted his shirt accordingly. He gave a quick glance to his staff members, and with a foul glare, said lowly "Get in the back".

He turned on his heels and stormed off, and Victor happily followed behind him "Thank you Bede!" He called out. Bede clicked his tongue.

Retaking the path yet again, Bede led Victor to one of the empty back rooms, letting him walk in first. Having done the process a couple of times, Victor didn't hesitate to take one of the seats at the table, waiting patiently and quietly. But as he watched Bede walk round the table and sit across from him, he noticed that something was missing.

" not making tea?" Victor queried.

"You don't deserve it after that stunt you pulled" Bede replied coldly.

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