Training With 'Battle Fist'

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"DIE!": Dialogue

'SMASH!': Inner thoughts

Disclaimer: I do not own 'My Hero Academia' or it's characters. They are both the property of Kohei Horikoshi.


"FUCK!" A young male voice shouted as the speaker, a blonde teenager with red eyes that is dressed in a blue gym uniform, is slammed face first into a training mat on the floor. Before he has a chance to pick himself back up, a hand forces his head down while another keeps his arm twisted behind his back.

"Tap out." A feminine voice says calmly above him. Despite his position, he still manages to lift his head up enough to glare at his opponent with one eye. A girl his age with orange hair tied into a side ponytail and teal colored eyes looks down at him with a raised eyebrow.

He struggles in her grip, fighting the urge to just use his Quirk to get himself free. That would defeat the purpose of a "no powers" sparring match after all. "Piss off Karate Kid!" The girl sighs and in one smooth motion, she wraps her arm around his neck while pressing her own body down onto his to keep him restrained.

"How many times do I have to say it Katsuki? My name is Itsuka." She tightens her grip around his neck as she reminds him, causing him to gasp for air while clawing at her arm with his free hand. "If you can remember my second favorite movie then you can definitely remember a name. Now, I'm not gonna repeat myself again. I can either choke you out again or..." She leans her mouth close to his ear and whispers, "Tap. Out." She hears him growl but doesn't loosen her hold until she finally hears three taps on the mat. She grins and quickly lets him go, stepping back a few steps to give him some room to catch his breath. "That's the fifth win for today, just to remind you."

Katsuki's crackle and pop from his explosive sweat, a sign that he is about to lose his temper. He stands back up on his feet to glower at her. "Shut up! Just get ready damn it! You're not going to win a sixth time!"

Itsuka examines his body and turns away with a frown. "Nope. That's enough for today."

"WHAT?!" His hands smoke as more small explosions are emitted from his palms. "I said we're going again Karate Kid! Don't wuss out just because you're scared I'll take your ass down this time!"

She scoffs while walking to the bench on the other side of the gym. "If we fight again you won't even last 10 seconds. Just look at yourself." She points back at him. "You can barely stand." Katsuki wants to deny it but he knows she has a point. His entire body is sore from both the amount of exertion he's done and the Itsuka mopping the floor with him for last couple hours. Itsuka sits down on the bench and pats the open spot on her right. "Now calm down and relax before you fall flat on your face again."

Katsuki huffs out of annoyance but he still limps towards her anyway. "Stop underestimating me. I can still fight, but I'm only taking a break because you suddenly decided to be lazy as fuck."

Itsuka rolls her eyes with an amused smile. "Whatever you say tough guy." She slides a bit to the side to make room for him when he sits down. Now she could've helped him walk over instead of risking the chance of his legs failing on him, but she's spent enough time with him to know that he just throw a tantrum if she tried. Plus she feels a little offended after being called lazy. "Want a water?" Katsuki just turns his head away from her, drawing a sigh out of her. "You're the one that asked me not to hold back remember?"

'Don't say shit I already know!' With anyone else, Katsuki would've shouted that thought directly to their face. But he decided not to do that with Kendo. To him she's different from all the other students at U.A. So instead all he did was nod quietly.

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