Chapter 15

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(Austins POV)

I'm beyond tired and she's still sleeping so I have to watch the baby, I keep repeating the same mantra over and over in my head "don't fall asleep, don't fall asleep" yet the more I say it the more I want to go to sleep.

I turn over in the chair to read the digital clock on the table next to the bed, it reads 3am exactly. I groan and stand up, walking over to the baby to check on him. He's just kicking his feet and hands squirming and staring up to ceiling until he saw me.

He giggled and reached his tiny hands out to me opening and closing them over and over again. I would be lying if I didn't say I have a smile on my face, that is so cute. I leaned down and picked him up, lifting him out of the crib, and holding him in my arms.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I whispered to him and he giggled again before grabbing my cheek, squishing it in his tiny hands.

"I'll take that as a no" I said before walking over and grabbing the bottle off of the stand.

"Yes or No?" I said holding the bottle up to him, he made random noises while reaching his hands out to it "Yes it is then"

I took the cap off and sat it on the table, I shifted him in my arms and gave him the bottle, he put his tiny hand on the side of it as he sucked repeatedly draining the milk from the bottle. Within a few minutes or so all of the milk was gone, I pulled it away from him and sat it on the table sitting the cap on top of it.

I walked over to the side of the bed and grabbed the baby's bag, reaching in I grabbed the blue pacifier out. I quietly placed the bag beside the bed before I gave Carter his pacifier and almost instantly he fell asleep.

I walked back over to the crib and gently laid him back down covering half of his body with the blanket. I walked back over and sat down in the chair, not soon after I did the last thing I wanted to, I fell asleep.


(Lillys POV)

"Austin...." I whispered as I walked into the moonlit room "Austin are you awake?"

I said but received no answer, I looked over and both of them were asleep. He looks unearthly when he sleeps, but of all people he married her, like really? was I not good enough? knowing him he probably doesn't even remember me.

They had not one but two kids and they're both perfect. They should be my kids not hers, I should be married to him and he should love me not that raggedy piece of trash wife he has now. All of this should be mine not hers, this should be my life, she has nothing to worry about she has it all.

She has the perfect husband who'd love you and never hurt you, but what am I stuck with? a heartless stuck up rich boy who only wanted me to fool and impress his parents so he can have the girl he wants without them knowing. He had his life and everything he wanted until he got me pregnant, then he left me all alone to deal with the unborn child inside of me.

The day I thought I'd meet my baby was ruined when he died before I even gave birth. I know he's happy about it because he doesn't have a kid to worry about anymore, but I wanted the baby. I wanted to be a mom and be something for once. I was gonna leave that day Austin and his wife came in, but I couldn't leave him behind, not again. So I played nurse, I hipped and hopped around with Rosalie.

She was my nurse at first and then she became there's until she sort of let me take over. I did study to be a nurse for a few months before I ended up meeting the scumbag that got me pregnant, but I never finished.

Not to be prolonged though, but yeah I thought he'd be awake and that we could talk, but I guess not. I walked into the room silently as Carter wriggled in his bed, I gazed over to Austin and he was asleep, I made sure she wasn't awake either. After 8 hours of labor she should be asleep. I walked over to the crib and looked down at him, he looked exactly like Austin. The same nose, lips, eyes, and ears. He was adorable.

"Hi Carter" I whispered and he stilled watching me like a hawk. I leaned over quickly and pulled him into my arms, he was scared, I could tell by the way he was looking up at me.

"It's okay Carter" I said rocking him back and forth "Mommy's here" I spoke lowly not to wake any of them, I opened the door and quickly exited going down the hallway without anyone seeing me, I grabbed a blanket from the supply closet and tossed it over Carter before leaving out the nearest exit.

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