last resort

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'Joey???' Called joeys mom. 'Yea'. 'Get your ass down here right now!!' ' what mom' 'show me your arms' Joey paused. 'Now joey' 'ok god mom chill'.' What the fuck is this' joeys mom says looking at her daughters arms. 'Nothing mom don't worry about it'. 'Joey have you been cuting?' 'Yea' mom wraps her In a hug. ' why babygurl? What's wrong baby?' ' Its school... I can't do it anymore mom the bulling has gotten to far.. I don't want them to pick on jessie.' 'It's ok baby'. Joey breaks down in tears 'it's not ok mom.. I'm done. I just want you to know I love you and if I commit suicide it's not your fault. You've done all you can do and..' joey pauses. 'Idk what I'mma do this is my last resort'. ' baby don't talk like that'.' But mom is true I can't deal cutting is my last resort.' Joey runs to her room tears streaming from her eyes ruining her perfectly fine makeup.. that she will soon to find out she doesn't need.
'Hey joey' says joeys bestfriend andy. 'Heyy andy how's your day been' she says with a smile that hides to much. ' it's been ok I guess. How's yours been joe.' 'Not the greatest' ' what's wrong.. Joey you can tell me we're bestfriends.' 'Andy I've been thinking and you and bvb, fir, and ptv is the only thing that's keeping me alive' 'joey. Are you being serious? Why haven't you told me before. I could have been there from day one.' 'Andy it's been to much to handle I've been cut-' andy cuts her off. 'No Joe not again. you've been cutting? Joey you promised you wouldn't. ' andy I know I promised but the pain wouldn't stop. It was my last resort.'

Hey guys I'm new and I just wanted to let out some of my ideas... I just wanted to say that I don't cut.. I've try before but failed. To all you who do... don't kill yourself. Your one of gods FALLEN ANGELS. It's ok. If you ever need to talk or are just bored and wanna talk to some one this is my kik- randaeb23.  I LOVE YOU GUYS.

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