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"I'm a feminist. I've been a female for a long time now. It'd be stupid not to be on my own side." – Maya Angelou.

This is a short compilation that I felt absolutely had to be written. Sometimes a lot can be conveyed by saying very little. As women, our voices are not heard as much or taken seriously. We struggle for our spot on this planet.

This is my modest attempt to try and raise awareness amongst all strata of society and age groups; that there is no reason why women can't help build each other up and lend a helping hand to one another. We need to stop competing constantly.

This is for all the young people who represent the future. This is for all the women who find themselves on the 'wrong' side of the weighing scale, the age graph, and the law in many instances. This is a shout-out of appreciation for all the men who have the courage to watch women be themselves and a wake-up call for those who don't.

Let's reclaim our dignity and our fundamental human rights. We need to embrace our flaws and imperfections. We need to recognize the unsung heroes, the housewives, who put in endless hours of selfless and unpaid labor. This salutes those mothers who chose to educate their daughters even though they were not given the same opportunities. We need to go easy on ourselves and be more forgiving towards others. We need to stop waiting to be rescued because, honestly, it's not worth the wait. By the way, what are we waiting for?

Feel free to follow me on Instagram @ilovelollapalooza 

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