Part 1

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"Mako! Are we going to your house today after school?" You questioned the brunette swimmer as everyone was packing their things away.

Today was Friday, your favourite day of the week. On Fridays, you, Haru, and Makoto would go to Makoto's house to play video games and eat junk food. You were especially excited today since last week, Makoto had beaten you at Mariokart and you wanted to get back at him. 

"Of course we are! Ready to lose again?" His teasing tone set you off into a rant about how you were going to beat him and Haru combined. Haru looked at the two of you with slight interest before shrugging it off and walking away. 


"Haha! I beat you again (Name)-chan~!" Makoto teased as you stared in shock at the TV screen. 

"NO WAY!!" You yelled quite loudly, causing Haru to poke your forehead.

"Be quiet." He said monotonously. You stared at him blankly, not sure what to do next. Makoto silently thanked him before turning back to the game and preparing the next match. 

"I'm so changing my character this time." You muttered under your breath. You were planning on winning this time, and you would expect nothing less.


After many, many attempts of trying to beat Makoto and Haru, you soon realized it was futile, even though you kept challenging them to another battle, vowing to beat them. 

When you took a small bathroom break, Makoto told Haru that maybe they could go easier on you since you really hated losing and it was starting to show a lot.

"No." Haru replied simply. "Why not?!" Makoto cried as he tried to convince the blue-eyed swimmer to make you feel at least a little better by winning one match.

"She'll hate us." Haru was right. If you found out of their plan, you would surely feel horrible since you didn't truly win. Makoto sighed, not knowing what to do. 

"So what should we do then?" Haru seemed to know the answer since his expression brightened up a bit. 

"Just follow my lead."


You were playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl when you lost yet again to the two boys. You were getting a little depressed now, mostly since you couldn't beat them, even Makoto. Sure, you weren't planning on beating Haru, but it would have been nice not to be last… 

Another match later, you were shocked and surprised to have actually won. You even beat Haru which was a very rare occurrence. 

"I-i won?" You stuttered. You had never expected to win that easily. 

"Congratulations (Name)!" Makoto cheered as he hugged you. "T-thanks…" You said while blushing. Even though you would never admit it, you loved the brunette. He was sweet, kind, and caring… Not to mention, you were best friends with him since grade school. He was always so nice and polite to you that you couldn't help but become friends with him. 

However, the only thing stopping you from confessing to him was… Haru

You had a huge crush on the black-haired swimmer as well. He was very quiet and stoic, yes, but… Something about him attracted you. You weren't quite sure what, but he always appealed to you somehow. You had also been friends with him since grade school. 

You, Haru, and Makoto were like a trio. You were always together, and you would like nothing more. However, since you had a crush on both of them, it was a bit hard to suppress your true feelings when you hung out with them. You would always get jealous whenever other girls looked at them, but they would always comfort you and tell you that they'd always be there for you. 


Haru watched as you celebrated with Makoto and a small smile appeared on his face. He had always wanted to see you happy, no matter what. He couldn't deny it, he did love you. He was happiest around you, and would do anything for you, even if it didn't look like he would. He would get jealous from time to time whenever Makoto got too close to you, but otherwise he thought his friend was harmless. 

Makoto, on the other hand, thought the exact opposite of Haru. He always thought that one day, Haru would come in and take you far, far away from him. It was a heartbreaking thought for him. Makoto loved you with all his heart, and he couldn't stand to have you taken away from him. You could say that he developed an obsessive crush on you. He had planned on marrying you already, and he had no plans not to. 


You were walking home with Haru from your long battle of games at Makoto's house. Since your house was a few houses down from Haru's, you frequently walked home from school with him. You were chatting away about the Swim Club's next competition, Haru listening to your every word. He knew how much you cared about the Swim Club. It meant as much to you as it did to him. He saw how passionately you loved the water. That was just another of his many reasons for loving you. 

You reached your house first, Haru coming to your door with you. You would always invite him in for a cup of tea or something. 

"You ok?" You asked him since he looked a bit different then usual. He was a bit red. Maybe he was sick? He just nodded and drank his tea like normal. Something wasn't right though. You just knew it.

Wondering if he had a fever, you immediately put the back of your hand to his forehead, startling him in the process which made him spill his tea. Now, his clothes were covered in tea. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!!" You gasped as you tried helping the poor boy. He gave you a 'what the heck were you doing' look. You apologized profusely before running to get him a towel. 

When you returned however, you found him, fully undressed, with the exception of his swimsuit, in the middle of your living room. 

You hoped the neighbours wouldn't get the wrong idea… 

"Haru! What are you doing?!" You yelled as you frantically closed the curtains so no one could look inside your house. "You spilled tea on me, so I took off my wet clothes." He said bluntly. You handed him the towel that you had brought with you. He thanked you for it as you took his clothes to dry off. You didn't have any clothes to offer him but you figured he would be fine in just his swimsuit. You blushed a bit, knowing that the hot swimmer was basically naked and he was sitting next to you. 

An comfortable silence was in the room as you both quietly sipped your tea. You didn't have to talk around Haru. You understood each other, like Makoto understood Haru. That's another reason why Haru liked you. He loved how you understood him. 

After a bit, you had both finished your tea and Haru's clothes had dried off a bit. 

"I can go home like this (Name)." He said while putting on the slightly damp clothing. You pouted. You didn't want him to catch a cold! 

"You better dress in dry clothes when you get home, got it? You don't wanna be sick hm?" You nagged him as he left your house into the freezing cold. 


A few days later, you saw Haru and Makoto talking in homeroom. 

"Hey guys!" You greeted them as you sat down in your spot in front of Haru. They greeted you back, Makoto sending you a warm-hearted smile that tinted your cheeks red. 

"What'cha talking about?" You were curious about their conversation. 

"We're planning on having a full-out video game marathon this weekend!! Do you want to join us (Name)?" You nodded enthusiastically. You loved marathons and video games! 

"It's settled then! Haru, we're going to have lots of fun this weekend!" Haru gave a little smile, which was a bit shocking for you. Maybe he liked your Friday game tradition? All you knew was that you were extremely excited for this weekend! 

Little did you know what was in store for you that weekend…

Makoto x Reader x Haruka- Ingénue in LoveWhere stories live. Discover now