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A/N: The second (and final) book in this series! So happy to be starting this part! No kidding, I've been planning it out in my head for years and I'm so exited to get it out of my head and onto the page! I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as I'm going to enjoy writing it!


Together they filled in the gap. Their foreheads meeting first, and for just a moment resting on each other.  As one they tilted their heads, ever so slightly, and brought their lips together. Jack's hand traveled put of the snow and onto her hand, then up her arm and neck. Elsa's arms wrapped around her neck as she pulled him closer. Though neither of them could see it, snowflakes swirled around them, and were picked up by the wind. They'd melted by the time they made it to the village below,  but anyone touched by the water droplets was filled with love. Be it for their partner, of their family or even their kingdom, love filled them for the next several days. When the two finally pulled away the snowflakes drifted the ground and the winds slowed to a stop.

"I can't wait for our adventure together your Majesty." Jack smiled

210 years later

Jack flew through the cold air with out a care in the world. He'd just left Jamie's house and was continuing his guardian duties. December was a busy month for him, which left him little time for fun, but he always found ways to squeeze a little in. Ever since becoming a guardian it had become harder to find free time, but it was worth it. He'd happily take being busy over spending the rest of his seemingly never ending life in near isolation. Though not all of that was bad. The worst part was not knowing who he was. Still, sometimes he felt like a part of him was still missing. He'd never said it out loud, but he pondered it often while he was alone. Perhaps it was that he'd lived so long past his families life spans with out getting to say goodbye. What ever the reason, he hadn't been able to shake the feeling in ten years.

He was flying over Norway pondering this very thing when he saw the lights. The mortals called them the Aurora Borealis, but the guardians knew what they really were. North, or Santa Claus, was calling an emergency meeting. In Jack's 10 years of guardianship they hadn't had to have been called, and it was his understanding that before the last meeting it had been over fifty years.

Jack immediately changed his course of direction and raced towards the North Pole. As Norway wasn't exactly far it didn't take him long to fly to the North Pole, and to Santa's workshop. He was the first to arrive, but the other three guardians appeared shortly after.

"Whats the problem?" Jack asked, keeping a strong hold on his staff.

"It's not Pitch is it?" Bunnymund, the Easter Bunny, asked angrily.

North was pacing in front of them, "No, it's not Pitch," he said, "I've never seen this before." He kept pacing, twp of his yeti's garbled something to them, sounding upset.

"What was it?" Toothania, the tooth fairy, asked, "Are you okay North?"

North stopped pacing and looked at them, "It was a woman, she was covered in fire!"

"A woman covered in fire?" Bunny looked at the sandman, "You ever heard something like that?"

Sandy shook his head and shrugged.

Jack's heart skipped a beat, unconsciously he reached up and felt the thin spider-webbed  scars that stretched across his chest.

"Do you know her?" North asked Jack, seeing his reaction.

Jack dropped his hand to his side, realizing what he was doing, "I think so." He confessed, "I had a run in with her about two hundred years ago."

"And you never mentioned anything?" Bunny narrowed his eyes, crossing his arms across his furry chest. 

Jack ducked his head, "It was a long time ago, and I've haven't seen her since." 

"That does not matter now." North waved his hand, "What matters is how we're going to stop her, what do you know about her?"

"That she has fire powers." Jack shrugged, "We didn't exactly tell each other our life stories." 

"Well that's helpful!" Bunny huffed, "At least with Pitch we had an idea of how to stop him!"

"We don't even know what she wants." Tooth added, "Or why she has her powers." 

Suddenly the light about them began to shift, a soft breeze flew through the work shop. The Moon had something to say. Together the five guardians turned to face him. 

"What is it you have to say old friend?" North smiled, "Do you have an answer to our problem?" 

A beam of light traveled across the room, the elves pointed at it and one of them ran after it as it passed the Guardians. The beam stopped on a metal symbol on the ground. The symbol moved revealing a big clear crystal. 

"A new guardian?" Tooth gasped, her faeries buzzed around her head excitedly. 

"We just got this one!" Bunny shrugged in Jacks direction. 

"Thanks man." Jack rolled his eyes, "I really feel excepted." 

"The two of you stop arguing." North shushed, "Lets see who Manny has picked." Standing at his feet, Sandy nodded in agreement, glaring at Jack and Bunny. 

The crystal rose out of the ground, the moon beam following it out of the floor. When the crystal had come to a stop a figured appeared in the crystal. 

It was a woman with long blonde hair braided and draped over her shoulder. She wore a long dress made out of ice crystals. Though her head was face down, it was clear she was smiling, her hands were clasped over her heart. 

It was Elsa. 

All five guardians stared at the crystal in silence. 

After several moment Bunny spoke up, "Who is she?" 

"I've never seen her." Tooth shrugged, "What about you North?"

North was stroking his beard, appearing deep in thought, "She looks familiar, but I can't place her."

Sandy nodded, evidently having the same thoughts. 

Jack sighed, keeping his eyes trained on Elsa's smiling face, "I know her." 

North, Sandy, Bunny and Tooth all looked at him. 

"You know her?" Bunny asked, "How?"

"More importantly," Tooth added, "who is she?" 

"Her name is Elsa," Jack begun, tearing his gaze from the crystal, "and she's my wife." 

A/N: Not to sound dramatic, but if y'all don't like that ending I might cry. XD I've been imagining this for well over a year now, and it feels so good to get it out here, and this isn't even the tip of the ice burg. For real though, give me feed back, I would love to grow as a writer and make this story as good as it can be. 

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