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When Keres had killed Elsa, the sword passed through her chest. All of the oxygen in her lungs had burst into flames, it was after that happened when Elsa had actually died. She'd felt her insides burning.

That wasn't as bad as labor, at least when she'd died it had been quick. Labor lasted for hours upon hours.

One plus it had to dying was that she had people with her, one coaching her and one cheering her on. Also she'd get to have her baby. It still hurt though.

Katherine was counting down, "Five, four, three, two, one!"

Elsa leaned forwards, squeezing all of her muscles. She was likely crushing Jack's poor hand. Though her throat was raw, she screamed again. Her lower body screamed with her, begging her to stop.

She fell back down, but this time it was different. Contractions were winding down, no more screaming from her body. Katherine looked up at them, a large smile plastered across her face.

"Congratulations!" She announced, revealing a small wiggling bloody baby, "It's a girl!"

The baby was placed on Elsa's chest, and Katherine got to work on cleaning her up.

The baby girl was crying, in that moment it was the best sound Elsa had ever heard.

"She's beautiful." Jack placed his hand on their daughters head, his hand wrapping nearly the entire way around.

The tears in Elsa's eyes were no longer from pain, "We made her." She marveled, "We made a person."

Jack moved so that Katherine could wrap the now no longer bloody baby up in his hoodie. Now standing behind Elsa, he leaned over and rested his head in her shoulder. Keeping his eyes on their girl.

"Do you have a name?" Katherine asked, wiping her hands off on her skirt.

Jack nodded, looking at Elsa, "Do you want to say it?"

Keeping her eyes on the baby she answered, "Her name is Iduna Mary Frost." Iduna softened down once she was wrapped up, cooing softly.

"That's a beautiful name." Katherine looked between the two, "I'll let the others know, and give you some time together."

She walked towards the wall, and Jack opened it for her, closing it behind her.

He walked around and climbed back onto the cushion next to her, staring at Iduna.

"I love her." He announced, "I can't believe how much I love her right now."

Elsa nodded, when she was pregnant she knew she loved the baby, but holding Iduna in her hands was so different than her being in her stomach.

"Do you want to hold her?" Elsa tore her gaze away from Iduna and to Jack.

His eyes widened, a large smile spread across his face, "Please?"

Gently, she lifted Iduna up off of her chest and into Jack's arms. The moment she was in his arms Elsa thought he was going to melt. Elsa sleepily leaned back, watching the two through drooping eyes. Iduna was cooing happily up at Jack, he stared down at her as if looking away meant she'd disappear.

"I was so worried we wouldn't be able to have a baby." He whispered, "Its unreal that she's here." Finally looking up at Elsa, "Are you alright?"

"I'm just tired," She yawned, "I'll be fine."

Slowly, Jack leaned back to match her, she was able to put her head on his arm. She put one hand on top of his, her fingers brushing the top of Iduna's head.

Nodding off she mumbled, "Wake me up if anything happens."

She vaguely heard him say, "Of course." As sleep dragged her under.

Sometime later she awoke to Jack nudging her, Iduna fussing his his arms.

"I think she's hungry." He explained, obviously upset that Iduna was crying.

There weren't many pluses to growing up in the Middle Ages, but one was that by the time she was sixteen she knew how to care for a child. Most girls were married off by the time they were eighteen. The only reason her parents hadn't gone out of their way to find her some suitors was because of her powers. It served her well now, as she knew exactly what to do and how to direct Iduna to the milk.

Once she was happily suckling away Jack calmed back down, leaning back.

"Do you think we should let the others meet her?" He asked, "Once she's done of course."

"I guess we need a new plan anyway," Elsa sighed, "how long was I asleep?"

He shrugged, "About half an hour I think. It's hard to tell."

"She went that long not fussing?" Iduna pushed herself away from Elsa's chest, refusing to eat any more.

"She mostly slept." Jack explained as Elsa adjusted her dress, "I thought it was weird to, but didn't want to push it." He stood up, "I'll go let the others know your ready to see them."

Jack walked to the wall, a large hole forming. Sunlight streamed into the dome as he talked to the others.

North led them in, Pitch taking up the rear, and not going past the makeshift door way. Elsa preferred it that way, she'd rather Pitch Black not be around her child.

"Oh Elsa!" Tooth gasped, looking at Iduna, the small fairies she always had with her buzzed around her head, "She's adorable!"

Bunny smirked, "You got lucky, the ankle biter coulda had Frosts looks." Jack stuck his tongue out at Bunny before looking back down at Iduna.

Sandy patted the cushion and gave a thumbs up, Elsa nodded. "Thank you very much Sandy, this was much better than having to give birth on the ground." Sandy gave her a large smile.

"Katherine said you named her Iduna?" North stared down at the little girl.

Jack nodded, "Iduna Mary Frost."

"After my mother and Jack's sister." Elsa explained, passing her back to Jack.

"Why is she wrapped in Frost's jacket?" Pitch rise an eyebrow

"Because we're strapped for recourses," Katherine snapped, turning around, "and you can't just let a newborn freeze!"

"I was just asking a question." Pitch rolled his eyes.

Katherine looked like she was going to say something else when Bunny put his paw on her shoulder, shaking his head. She turned back around towards Elsa and Jack, brows still furrowed.

"So," Jack looked between then two, "do we have a new plan?"

"We thought we'd just go with the old plan." Bunny shrugged, "Take the hit from Christmas while you two recover, then fight Keres on our terms."

"I'm still against that plan." Pitch rolled his eyes, "Your not going to be strong enough after Christmas."

"They won't be." Katherine corrected

Elsa stared at her for a moment before asking, "What?"

"These four," She gestured towards North, Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny, "Would be the only ones effected by Christmas. The rest of us don't have enough people that believe in us as is for it to effect us."

"I have plenty of believers." Pitch huffed

Jack smirked, "Is that why you got defeated by a ten year old last time?"

"So what your saying is," Elsa thought out loud as Jack and Pitch bickered, "we could wait until after Christmas and potentially have enough power to still defeat her."

"I wouldn't say that exactly," Katherine shrugged, "but we have a shot."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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