24 Hrs In General

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So I just did a 24hr call with two of my friends, it was kinda overwhelming since we've been trying to do this call thing for over like 4 weeks and each time the call would like unknowingly by some unknown source would stop.
Ending the whole thing... And I just got frustrated cuz my sleep was lacking.
And we tried multiple attempts of this call so many times during those 4 weeks and each time.
and we wouldn't know why.
Im relieved we finally got to do it but it made me realise how like.. Not alot of hours there are in a day.
Like I know there are 24 but that sounds like alot, I just didn't realise that I'd spend more than half sleeping.
Like once it hits 9 o'clock you have 3 hours left till the end of the day.
BRO I'm sorry but I'm eating my dinner (most of the time) or that's when I start my history work.

If there were 60 hrs in a day, would that mean that we'd be spending 15hrs in school?
Time itsself is a weed... Weed?
Time itsself is a weird concept.
Like how did the concept begin. Did the person who realise things about time have a conversation with someone like

TIME PERSON: HEY uno how the sun goes up and down?

A random person: uh yeah..?

TIME PERSON: well I figured out how we can see that happen using... Hear me out... NUMBERS (numerals?? Hyroglyphics?? Idk I didn't research anything)

A perso: uh huh... And how's that

TIME PERSON: OK OK OK HERE ME Out... In 60 seconds there's a minute

A pers: what's that?

TIME PERSON: and in 60 minutes there's an hour

A per: so in a day there is 60 hours?


Im sorry if non of that makes sense but I write these at 2-4am each day... So as my friend you should understand my gibberish❤️❤️❤️

See yahh



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