Family Dinner Time

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Finally the bookstore reached closing time. Felix let out a sigh as he turned the sign over to close. He walked back to the break room only to find Jeongin taking a nap in one of the chairs and Seungmin's nose buried in a book.

"Hey Seungmin. Are you up for dinner tonight? Chan offered and I think everyone is going to be there." He whispered, not ready to wake the maknae yet. Seungmin looked over the top of his book and nodded a yes and returned to his book.

Once Seungmin was satisfied with a stopping point he shook Jeongin awake. He groaned for a second and stretched. When he finally sat up right he rubbed his eyes like a sleepy baby.

"Are you ready to have dinner with the hyungs?" Seungmin asked him in a teasing voice. At the mention of the hyungs Jeonjin shot right up out of his chair.

"What are you guys waiting for? Let's go!" Jeongin almost shouted and ran out the room earning a shaking head from Seungmin and a giggle from Felix. He ran so fast towards the door, he almost smacked right into the glass.

They ended up video calling Chan for directions to the restaurant. So when they finally made it Chan scolded all three of them.

"Chan, you can't expect them to find a new restaurant perfectly the first time." Woojin said calmingly. He was always good at calming the older down. Maybe that's why they fit together so well. They act like they were made for each other. Felix made a small grimace when Chan pecked Woojin on the cheek.

"Let's all sit down now that everyone is finally here." Chan said in a calmer voice. Felix kind of dragged behind the pack as they were led to their table. All of a sudden he felt a presence next to him. He was surprised to find the short hyung walking next to him.

"Hey." Changbin said in a low voice. Felix felt his palms get sweaty. He swallowed thickly when Changbin smirked at him.

"Hey Binnie hyung." He finally managed to squeak out. But his small voice only made him blush more. But this earned a very warming giggle from the shorter.

They finally got to their table and started sitting down. Somehow Changbin managed to slide in next to Felix. He wasn't surprised to see the order they were in. Chan, Woojin, Minho, Jisung, Jeongin, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Felix, and Changbin.

Felix was used to sitting between the Jisung and the maknae but this was fine too. They ordered their drinks and food and then they all fell into comfortable conversation. It was the usual though. Asking how everyone's day was, how their jobs are, talking about pets and other things.

"Rice?" Felix heard the now familiar low voice next him. He looked over to see Changbin holding the bowl of rice. He nodded with a smile and reached up for the bowl. But before he could get a grip on it, Changbin pulled it away. His smile then turned into a deep pout. Changbin let go of a few giggles.

"You can have the rice after you do aegyo." He said in a teasing voice and a smirk. Felix sighed.

"Binnie hyung, can you pwease give me rice?" Felix said in a pouty voice with his hands pushing his cheeks out. Changbin just stared at him with a shocked face, handing felix the rice. it was now Felix's turn to smirk. He knew how much lower his aegyo held.

"Cat got your tongue Changbin?" Minho asked from across the table. Changbin responded with a small no and started eating his food.

Felix saw how pouty changbin was. He was like a big emo baby. Felix looked at the food Changbin was pushing around with his chopsticks. Felix looked at his own plate, the japchae was almost gone but the bulgogi the older had looked good. so felix pokes changbin's shoulder.

"What is it felix?" changbin said, still staring at the untouched food.

"can i please have some of your bulgogi?" Felix pouted.

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