chapter 3

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the next morning she was woke up to a knock on the door she got up to get it and it was santana and brittney"snap chat"

"yeah you really should turn your gps off" santana said rachel stepped asside and let them them in

"so what do i owe the pleasure" rachel asked she didn't understand why brittney and santana would want to see her"please tell me your not here to insult me" she sat on her chair as they sat on the couch

"were not here to insult you just to talk barry we missed you" santana said

"i missed you to santana and you brittney" rachel said she really did she missed everyone from glee club except quinn"what happened after i left"

"i totally when full lima heights on quinn" santana said and she told her what happened after she left

"thanks santana you didn't have to do that" rachel said she was happy she had people like santana around"but i'm glad you did she deserved to be put in her place"

"she deserved it and its not like anything i said was a lie people look at the two of you different your nice and she's a slutty bitch" santana said she was happy she finally put quinn her place someone had to"puck was right you left cause you were going places we weren't and we did kick you out none of you appreciated you and we bullied you all the time you had a right to leave us all behind as much as i hate to admit it without you we would have lost nationals"

"yes your voice was amazing you could have replaced me and led us there" rachel said she loved santana's voice it was strong like her own voice

"no we couldn't have your voice stole the show especially your solo it was amazing" santana said

"thanks i couldn't have done it without y'all" rachel said

"so don't lie to me why did it look like you had been crying" santana said

"its nothing just a lot" rachel said

"your lying rachel what is going on" brittney said she could tell there was something going on with rachel

"i tried to commit suicide" rachel whispered

"why" santana said she never thought that rachel would do something like this"what happened"

"i'm alone i have no one your letters helped delay it but it still happenend" rachel said she was happy that she had people in her life like santana and brittney"i'm a star i'm followed loved but i'm alone"

"your never alone you got us" brittney said she loved rachel after everything she went through all there tourture during high school she deserved to be happy for once

"wanna go shopping for the reunion i need a dress" rachel said

"you don't have a dress" santana said

"not a casual one" rachel said she said she really needed to go regular shopping that would help a lot"and you to will help"

"ok lets go" santana said

"ok let me change" rachel said she went and put on jeans and a t-shirt with black wedges they got in santana's car and headed to the mall when they got there they walked into a few different stores and check out different when rachel found one she liked black with red flowers "perfect"

"simple" brittney smiled she liked to see rachel smiling she hated that her friend went through depression cause she thought that she had no one rachel and them looked around for a few more hours and then they went to the food court where they ran into jake puck and marley

"the puckerman's are in a mall" santana gasped she loved teasing them they knew she was playing

" i see holly wood decided to have a shopping trip" puck said

"and were here cause marley dragged me here so i dragged him" jake said

"thats not fair i need a dress" marley said

"i needed one to thats why were here i'm not wearing a ball gown to a reunion not that i brought any dresses with me i just pack causual clothing" rachel said they all got a table together

"did you here sue is giving out an award and got all the cheerios to come" marley said

"i thought it was a glee club reunion" rachel said she didn't want to see cheerleaders she already had a blond one that she had to deal with

"she decided to go big" jake said

"what award" santana asked as far as she knew sue she didn't think that he would do anything like that"she hates us"

"for most acheived which is obviously going to quinn that was her favorite student unless it goes to one of you" marley said

"i doubt she'll give me a award i was her least favorite and i always come second to quinn unless its singing then its a different story" rachel smiled singing is what freed her but a career in singing and acting was not good for her

"there's a reason you got all the solo's none of us could carry a note like you could and tonight were gonna prove that again" santana said

"i say rachel and marley do a duet them together quinn can't say nothing" brittney said

"me" marley said she had never sung with rachel before she had watched her sing

"you've got a voice she's right you two together would be amazing" puck said

"i agree with my brother" jake said  he knew what they could do apart together they would be amazing"never thought i would say that"

"its true you two would be awesome knock everyone out there feets we close with you and we can have the audience choose what she sings and rachel can either solo or duet" santana said

"my voice is gonna hurt later" rachel said

"did rachel barry just say her voice was gonna hurt" puck gasped

"at least he didn't say barry or jewish girl" santana said

"you used to call her jewish girl" jake said

"aren't you jewish" marley said

"i am" puck said

"as fun as it is talking i gotta go the reunion is in two hours and i got a few calls to make" rachel said

"bye guys" santana said

"see y'all later" brittney said they got up and went back to rachel's house

"do i see puckelberry forming again" santana asked she knew chemistry when she seen it and they would be amazing together

"what are you talking about" rachel said

"don't play dumb thats my thing you two have serious chemistry" brittney said

"no we don't" rachel said

"you and puck were together but you didn't want him to give up football if i'm correct" santana said

"you are but that doesn't mean a thing" rachel saod

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