Chapter 8: A squire of Nerves

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Much has changed, and yet feels the same. The wooden home I once thought to be a large place feels tight. The walls seem the same, but certain things aren't where I remember them. The atrium still has the hearth in the middle of the circular room. Instead of the grey stones, I used to see as a child, there are different colored river stones protecting the surroundings from the flames. The skylight is still open giving way for smoke to exit when cooking. I walk over to the living room, taking the top steps down from the atrium. Of all the places, it is this one that feels smallest. I don't have to go to my room to know it.

The carpet underneath my boots is different but the rocking chair is still the same old wooden and chipped chair. The wood furnish at the handles is pale, but the chair still rocks with the wind the open window brings in. That's another aspect that seems smaller than normal. The living room window is one that covers nearly the entire wooden wall, with herbs planted in front of it inside, and ostravias on the outside. Some bloom in their pots following the direction of the sun while the rest of their vines climb up the outside walls like ivy.

I touch the top of the window to test the difference. Beyond my better judgment, it feels like the house has shrunken, and not that I've grown taller. My head turns and I stare at the two other entryways that are covered by hand knitted curtains. As I approach mine I noticed the new embroidered flowers my curtain has etched on it. Something I was promised by Merideth when leaving Skyland. Pushing the curtain aside I step in. My room is the same. Untouched, or so I think.

I arch a brow at a folded piece of paper on my bed. Something I don't remember. Picking it up I read the elegant handwriting, my handwriting...

"Future me, if you are back that means you were knighted! Only if you really are, which you probably are, can you open this letar." I cringe at the misspelled word. My heart is beating rapidly. I sigh.

I sit on my bed and fiddle with the note. I stand. I place it on top of my wardrobe. There's no need to read that right now. I am a knight, but I don't need to read it.

Looking around the room it's been kept clean, even the sheets smell like fresh laundry. Sitting back on the bed I let my body fall back and drag my pillow to me. Another note is under the pillow. I feel nauseous.

The blurry image of my handwriting it comes to my mind. I had placed it underneath the pillow as a surprise. I push the note and allow it to slip and fall behind the headrest and close my eyes. Why am I so nauseous? Just...breathe.


The sound of chatter and the smell of food wakes me up. The air dances with the smell of fresh bread, cooked Cielands dashed with salt, pepper, garlic, and parsley. My stomach protests, and the familiar meal, I am certain is Mamá's famous soup and chicken. I exit my room to be greeted by some of the village children excitedly. It takes me a moment to recognize their faces. The main ones being Lily, Cieland, and Argus.

"Tamen, you're up!" The first to speak was the first to go get Mamá earlier today.

"Of course he's up, you were talking loudly so that he would!"

Cieland glares at Lily, "Was not!"

"Was to!"

"Was not!"

Argus tackles me in a hug ignoring the fighting kids. They've grown. Argus for one has longer curly hair than I remember. Cieland's dark waves have lightened, and Lily seems to have cut hers down leaving behind short bouncy coils.

I smile at the boy hugging me and hug him back, "Hi, Argus."

He beams up at me with the biggest smile, a tooth is missing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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