First day of senior year

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"Good Morning Marrinette!" Marrinette Heard a high pitched voice whisper into her ear as the kwami softly shifted the dark blue hair out of the pale girls face. Marrinettes slowly lifted her eye lids to see the black and red creature floating in front of her face. Marinette grabs her pillow and covers her head "five more minutessssss" she whines into her mattress "no way silly. It's the first day of school. Heck the first day of you SENIOR year. The year you finally confess your love to adr-" Marrinette cuts her off "ok ok fine I'm up I'm UP shhhhhh" the kwamii giggles and kisses the girls nose.

Marinette Lifts the covers off of herself and climbs down her stairs and heads toward her closet. Cute? Artsie? Casual? Comfy? Revealing? Marrinette tried everything. She wanted to change up her style this year but she doesn't know which one. She pulls out her black cardigan with white flower shirt and pink jeans she also spots a red sweater and black pants. She's sighs. "Tikkiiiii should I do my normal casual or switch it up a bit?" The bug-mouse flies down. (Hahaha see what i did there ;) ) "Marrinette it's time.... it's time for you to become a big girl!" She says with tears in her eyes. Mari rasies and eyebrow "I-I am a big girl though?....." tikki flies over to hug the red sweater and pants indicated that she needs to switch it up. Marrinette shrugs her shoulders "alright sounds good" she says with a smile.

Marrinette heads towards her vanity and picks up some mascara and blush. She isn't really big on makeup. In fact she hates the way it feels on her face. She quickly puts on the makeup she chose and started to brush her hair. She picks up her two hair ties and stares at them a bit. She looks over to tikki and tikki motions for her to give her the hair ties. Marinette does as told and opens her hand where the hair ties lied but tikki only took one. "Whatcha doing there tikki?" She asks curious "dont look until I'm done!!" She squeaks. Marrinette closes her eyes and waits patiently for the kwami to finish. "Done! You may look now" she says with a huge smile. She opens her eyes to see a very very very poorly done ponytail. Marinette had no choice but to laugh. "It's not my fault I don't have fingers!! You know what I was trying to do so...yea" the kwami crosses her arms and pouts. "No tikki it's really good I promise I just need to fix a few things ok?" She says sweetly. She puts her hair up in a high ponytail, takes a few strands out so they are in front of her ears and face, then curls her hair and runs her fingers through it

 She puts her hair up in a high ponytail, takes a few strands out so they are in front of her ears and face, then curls her hair and runs her fingers through it

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(Something like this)
"Wow......" tikki says wiping away fake tears "your so beautiful" Mari gives tikki a little hug "aweeee stawpppp your Makin me blush-" Marrinette was saying before she got cut of by her mother. "MARINETTE TIME FOR BREAKFAST. EAT FAST BECAUSE SCHOOL WILL BE STARTING SOON!" Tikki flies into my purse and She head down stairs. Sabine hands Mari a bag 6 freshly baked croissants because Adriens limo is picking her up as well as Alya and nino.  The limo pulls up to the door and Adriens steps out of the limo coming into the bakery. "Oh hello Adrien dear. Your looking very handsome today! Right Marrinette?" Marrinettes trying to grab her bag from behind the counter "y-yup Adrien you look great!" Mari says over her shoulder. "Wow....I mean thanks so do you!" Adrien says With his cheeks lightly blushed red and smiling wide. Marrinette didn't seem to notice though. "Bye mama bye papa I'll see you after school" Marrinette gives her mom and dad a quick hug. "Bye honey have a great day!" Tom says "don't cause too much trouble you two!" Sabine yells as the door closes behind the two hidden superhero's. "Well. shall we?" Adrien says while opening the door and bowing towards marinette. Marinette pretends to Lift up a skirt and bows  "we shall" she giggles as she scoots her way into the car.

Marinette doesnt stutter as much as she did in the past. Only from time to time. They have both yet to reveal they're identities to each nor they know who each other are behind the mask. Adrien is still confused about his love life. Him and kagami recently broke up because kagami could tell Adrien loved someone else she just didn't know who. There still very good friends though. Marinette and Luka on the other hand had confessed how they felt but never dated because Luka knew she still loved Adrien as well

"Senior year huh" Adrien sighs "yuP" marinette says popping the P at the end. Adrien chuckles "it feels like just yesterday you where pissed off at me for putting gum on your seat and I gave you that umbrella right? By the way. Do you still have that umbrella?" He asks. Marrinette reaches into her school bag and pulls out the umbrella from that same day. "I bring it with my to school everyd-day" shit Marrinette thought as she stuttered over her words once again. Adrien sits there mouth wide in surprise as the girl holds the umbrella in her hand just to put it back in her bag. Adrien realized how different marinette looked today. "I've only seen you last week and now you changed you clothes AND hair style. What happened to my Marrinette" he said pretending to be sad. His Marrinette huh she thought and blushed. "I guess it was just time for a change" marinette says rolling her eyes. "Well I think you look very pretty. Always have. I'm so very lucky to have you as a friend Mari" he says smiling. friend. a light blush covers the girls cheeks but her fists clenched at the word friend. Just a friend forever I guess.

"Adrien were here. At Alyas" Natalie states. "It's ok Adrien I'll go get her stay here." Marinette says. "Okie dokie" the blonde boy says. Marrinette runs into the lobby where Alya was waiting for her. "O. M. G. GIRL. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. DID YOU GET HIT BY THE GLOW UP TRUCK OR WHAT" Alya says running into the blue-bell eyed girls arms. "Haha very funny. Thank you though. Come on Adriens waiting for us" Alya smirks at me when I say Adrien. "This year you have to tell em" the ombré'd girl states. "Yes I know I promise" marinette says. "You said that the last two years" Alya says under her breath. "Whatcha say?" Marinette says turning around "oh nothin just talking to myself" Alya says with a real looking smile.

They hop into the car. "What up Agreste!!" Alya says "alyaaa!" Adrien says in a chill tone. The two do a very long hand shake in between of marinette because she was sitting in the middle. Marinette was just trying to process what there hands where doing the whole time which made her giggle and that got Adrien distracted a little and Alya caught on. "So Agreste doesn't marinette look SO great today" she says and marinette motions frantically for her to stop talking. "Yes! She always does! I told her already before you go here" he says with his eyes closed leaning back in his seat. "Mmmnhmmm" Alya hums looking at marinette with her whole face almost a dark red.

"Adrien please come with me to go get nino" Natalie says. "Will do!" The blonde boy agrees and opens the door to get out. The door closes so Marrinette lets out her breath that she didn't know she was holding. "Goooooodmoring gorilla!" Marrinette sqeaked. "Good Morning Mrs. Dupain-cheng" Gorilla said in a deep voice. "Wait HOLD UP. he can taLK?!?" Alya almost screams. "Of course he does. He's just not allowed to talk to adrien and Natalie not even mr. Agreste!" Marrinette says "how do you know all this?" Alya asks. "Well I went over to Adriens a lot this summer break and one day it was just me and him in the car and I asked him a silly question not expecting an answer and pretty much reacted the same way you just did haha" marinette proudly says at her discovery. "Hope you have a great first day girls" gorilla says to the two of them as he noticed Adrien, nino, and Natalie coming back to the limo. "Thank you!" The girls day in unison. "What's up babe. What up dudette" nino says kissing Alya on the cheek and giving marinette a hug.

School starts in about 10 minutes so when they arrived they had some time to kill. Marrinette passes out the croissants to everyone. After, the teens picked there new locker locations so they where all next to each other. The bell rang and they all looked at each other and smiled as they made there way into home room. Here we go they all thought as they stepped into class

Yes guys I'm not dead lol. I'm BACKKKK you miss me? The other story's I was writing was shit so I made a new one instead. The cover is my art work so please don't use it without permission. I hope you like this new book! I'll try to update as frequently as possible. Hope you're all safe and at home!!

*-Spots off-*
(1,604 words)
(Currently 2:07 a.m.)

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