A is for Akuma

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The four teens make there way to there seats as a blonde girl with WAY too much blue eye shadow approaches them. Marinette knows what's about to happen and scoffs. Adrien heard marinettes reaction and looked back at her and rolled his eyes with a smile. Marinette let out a sharp exhale out her nose for a laugh and before she went to her seat she was stopped with a girls hand getting slapped on the table next to her, blocking her way.

"Adrikens you said you wouldn't be able to bring me to school on the first day because you were BUSY." Chloes says violently staring Marrinette down. "I was busy. Can't you tell" Adrien opens his hands to his 3 friends standing behind him "busy doing what. Taking out the TRASH" chloe pokes marinettes shoulder blade pretty hard indicating she was talking about her. "Well it's very kind of you to think adrien was taking me out. Can I go to my seat now." Marrinette grabs Adriens hand and low key shoves chloe with her shoulder and everyone pretended they didn't see. Out of defeat chloe does her hair flip and stomps away. As the two make it up the few stairs Marrinette lets go of Adriens hand. "Sorry about That" they both say at the same time. "What are you saying sorry for?" They say in unison again. "Ok really stop that." There voices linking up again but they didn't realize they were inching closer together. They both start to laugh and when they opened there eyes and noticed how close they were, there noses where practically touching each other's. Marrinette quickly backs away as well as Adrien, both BRIGHT red.

"Ok students please settle down. I'm very happy to see all of your Familiar faces again. I missed you very much" mrs. Bustiér said. "Please Line up at the front of the class so I can assign your new seats. Depending on your behavior throughout the year you might be able to pick your own seats in the future" she said with a smile. "Alex and Max first. Then we have nathinal and Marc, chloe is Kim-" "AHEM I AM NOT GOING TO SIT NEXT TO THAT SWEATY BEAST I WILL NOT HESITATE TO GET MY DADDY INVOLVED WITH IN THIS!!" Chloe screams at the teacher. "T-That won't be necessary. I meant to say chloe and Sabrina. After them we have Alya and nino" marinette and Adrien both look at each other with a smirk as they heard there bestfriends getting placed together and giggled. "Kim and Lila, and behind Alya and nino we have Adrien and marinette" both of there eyes widened as they heard they were sitting next to each other. This time, Alya and nino were the ones smirking at each other. "S-sweet! I'm next to a friend!" Adrien says proud. Friend. Marrinette grabs her things and walks towards her desk and she turns around to look at her teacher. The teacher gives a smile and a wink to marinette knowing what she did with the seating arrangement. Which made marinette blush even harder then before. "Lastly we have Ivan and Maline. If anyone has problems with these arrangements please see me after class" mrs. Bustiér says to the class "now. Let's gets started"

A few hours pass and marinette and Adrien are almost elbow to elbow but they both really didn't seem to notice or mind at all. Marrinette and Adrien felt both of there kwamis shift. An akuma. In unison they both stood up at the same time "miss can I please go to the bathroom" the teens looked at each other confused. "Ok we REALLY have to stop this" marinette says under her breath. The teacher raises an eyebrow and shrugs her shoulders. "Ok. Don't be too long you two" they nodded there heads and ran out of the room.

"Do you actually need to go to the bathroom?" Adrien asks the blue haired girl. "Yes actually what about you?" She asks fast pacing to the bathroom. "Nah, I've learned this already last year during my mandatory summer school my father made me take" the blondes sighs. "Oh-ok welp cya back in class" she says as they part ways. "Yup see ya!" Marrinette runs into the bathroom and opens her purse quickly "what the matter tikki?" She asks "I sense an akuma but I also sense something a little wrong with the miraculous" tikki says sadly "........whAT. what do you meAN" marinette asks franticly. "Well your miraculous is affected by the holders emotions. Mostly by the ones hidden or the ones you need to release. And for your case that means you have to tell Adrien how you really feel as soon as possible or you can't do your miraculous ladybug" the creature informs her. Marrinette sits there mouth widened in shock at the fact that a silly little crush can affect her as ladybug. Adrien left the bathroom because plagg told Adrien what was going on. Marrinette rushes out of the bathroom and little did she know Adrien was waiting outside for her. "Who were you just talking too?" He asks curiously. "Ohhh-ughhhh it was my uhhh grandma who just got out of theeeeee surgery- yea surgery heh" she says nervously. "Oooooook shall we head back to class now??" He asks knowing the akuma would attack any time now. "Actually Adrien I have something to tell you. I've been m-meaning to tell you this for years b-but never really got a chance" Marrinette says quickly. Adrien turns around with his thumbs in his belt loop "ok shoot. What's up?" "Well uhh... I-I l-" she started "MARI WATCH OUT" Adrien jumps for marinette and hugs her head and waist making sure she was safe. A huge pencil that was very sharp and was the size of a human almost impaled Marrinette. "WE'LL TALK LATER K?" Adrien screams over everyone else's hollering. Marrinette nods and runs back into the bathroom. "Oh no tikki what am I gonna do. I didn't get to tell him" she starts to panic "dont worry just try to not make such a mess with the akuma and you'll tell him tomorrow and fix everything then k?" tikki squeaks. "Alright sounds good. I need some prepping up anyway.


"Well Fancy seeing you here m'lady" chat lands next to ladybug on top of the roof. "Hey chat we need to talk before we get into battle. Somethings wrong with my miraculous and it's getting fixed tomorrow so today try not to make such a mess because I can't use my miraculous ladybug. Deal?" Ladybug instructed "sounds good to me. Now shall we?" Chat says bowing he kinda looked like Adrien for a second she thought but shook it out of her mind to focus on the task at hand.

"I HATE TEACHING THESE STUPID ASS KIDS. ITS REALLY NOT THE FUCKING HARD TO SPELL APPLE IS IT??? I AM LADY ALPHA SO YOU CAN FINALLY LEARN THE DAMN ALPHABET" lady alpha yells to the world. Chat snickers because this is just way to funny. Ladybug tried to hold strong at the Villains words but yet a smile traced her lips. "Ok kitty lets do this" ladybug says swinging her Yo-Yo around.

The two superhero's land next to the akuma. "Hey alpha. It's time for us to teach you a new lesson." Chat says to the unhuman like woman. " no, you just need to learn how to haND OVER YOUR MIRACULOUS" a paper tornado circled the two superhero's. If it weren't for there suits they would of had a million paper cuts. The walls of fast flying paper starts to enclose on them just it it's about to fully collapse chat yells "CATACLYSM" "Chat no save it-" it's too late. All the papers disintegrated and left in dust on the floor "YOU, YOUR A D FOR DOG" alpha points to a random person and a flash of light covers the human turning him into a dog. They both gasp at this because they know she can't turn him back untill tomorrow. "LUCKY CHARM" ladybug screams into the air. "a mirror? What am I supposed to do with this?" She looks around realizing she could easily reflect the beams of light back to the villain.- Beep beep beep chat miraculous begins to beep. "It's ok Chat I can handle it from here I'll see you tomorrow k?" Ladybug says smiling "thanks little bug" he said and he jumped away.

Ladybug had to quickly detransfrom as well but as she was doing that, alpha was turning people into all sorts of fruits and animals like "E FOR ELEPHANT" and shit.

"Going so soon cat noir?" Alpha says to the cat running away from the scene. "Yup i think ladybug can handle you. Your a pretty weak akuma. Peace out" Chat says but before he could leave and gets snatched up by the monster. " 'C' ya later cat noir. Because C IS FOR CAT" she shouts. Before he knew it he was an actual fucking cat. Well shit. he gets released and runs into the nearest alleyway. Panicking he realized where he was. This was marinettes bakery! He scurried inside and waits for Marrinettes arrival.

Ladybug defeted the akuma once again and made her way home. Not much of a mess to clean up. She just needed to get the people who were turned into objects to safety. Exhausted, she just face planted into her pillows. OWWWW *meow* "what the-" Marrinette was a little started to see a cat in her bed but she wasn't too bothered since the kitty was super adorable. "Well hello there little thing" she picks up Adrien and holds him up lion king style. "Aweeee you are ADORABLE!!" Marrinette squeaks 'I cant believe it. I'm really a fucking cat' *meow* "you remind me of a certain cat you know that" marinette says booping the cat in her hands nose. "Well my parents just left and are not home for a few months due to a baking competition soooo. I think ima keep youuu...... clover. Yes clover. Because your eyes are green!! Haha! Im a Genius!" Adrien laughed too himself at Marrinette talking to herself. "Whatcha think tikki. Should I keep this cutie?"

Tikki?!? Adrien thought. Who's tikki?

My poor Adrien I'm so sorry your now a cat LMAOOO. Good night miraculoursss

Spots off :)
*word count-1,747*
-time- 1:37 am-

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