Ugh school

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It's 3 am and I'm really bored so I'm writing sorry if it's bad 👌

You woke up by the sound of your alarm going off "ugh Shut up" you groaned as you sat up facing the the wall on the other side of your bed, you hit your alarm clock causing it to stop beeping

You got up and got dressed in your school uniform, brushed your hair then your teeth and then walked out of your room and walked down stairs. you saw your mom and Ashley talking in the kitchen "hey y/n your awake, I just wanted to tell you I love you before you went off to school this morning" your mother smiled softly at you "I love you too" you said as you made your way to the door. "But honey aren't you gonna eat breakfast." "Uhh no I'm a little to nervous to eat sorry" you mumbled. "It's fine sweetie I just wanted to make sure whether or not you're hungry."you gave her a thumbs up and you and Ashley walked out the door ready to conquer what ever the day threw at you... or so you thought.

You were walking down the sidewalk with Ashley then you saw a bunch of girls crowding behind and all around a boy pretty much cramping him in a tight area of space"JOJO JOJO" they were practically screaming. "What the hell" you muttered just loud enough for Ashley to hear hoping she'd give you an answer. "Oh haha that's jotaro he's pretty much the highschool bad boy and well all the girls love him as you can see, and I'm not gonna deny he is pretty cute."she said as she stared in a daze at the boy. "Umm do you know him personally?"you asked. she looked at you with a smile. "No I'm to nervous to even talk to him because of the way he talks to all the other gi-" was cut off by jotaro yelling at the girls "SHUT UP BITCH!"
You jumped a little, slightly taken by surprise because of the loud outburst.

all of the girls seemed to quiet down but somehow they didn't take it as an insult, they took it as a...COMPLIMENT! "What the hell is wrong with these girls." You mumbled. "Haha i don't know sometimes" Ashley said in response
"Well either way we need to pass these girls if we're gonna get to school on time." You said blankly

"Well I guess we could try... although I've never tried, these girls are ruthless."
"Hmm is there a short cut" you asked
" well there is this one alley we could go through but my mom doesn't like it when I go down there"
"I don't really know"
"Oh... okay it's fine I don't want you to get in trouble so I guess we'll just stay behind these girls then" you shrugged but the crowd of girls eventually cleared up and then there was only jotaro.

You didn't get a good look at him but he seemed some what intimidating. And there was something about that boy you didn't really like so you pulled your cousins wrist and pulled her up about 2 kilometers in front of jotaro "why'd you do that" she asked "I don't know he just... seems kinda off, ya know." You said looking back at him "Okay whatever" she said as she looked behind her and waved at jotaro who then rolled his eyes.

You had finally arrived at school and you noticed jotaro talking to a boy... you didn't know him but he seemed to be the exact opposite of jotaro. Cherry red hair in a weird up do to make his hair kinda of look like a noodle.

"Y/N!"Ashley yelled as she moved her hand in front of your face "huh" you said in confusion "the bell is about to ring I'll take you to your first class" she stated  you walked in the hallway and into the classroom and you were greeted by a teacher "hello I'm mr.Tanaka you're our new student right?" He asked
You weren't very talkative so you just stood there and Ashley answered for you "yes she is she doesn't talk much" she giggled and walked away "see you at lunch"

"So what's your name" the mr.Tanaka asked "umm I'm uhh y-y/n l/n." Oh okay well you may take a seat ummm beside..." it was a fairly long silence between you two " Ah yes right beside Kakyoin... He's the one with the weird hair over there" you looked to the left of the room to see the boy that was talking to jotaro earlier sitting next to jotaro "oh god... why me" you mumbled. You sat down beside the red head boy with the odd hair and he looked at you in what seemed like surprise
"Hello" he said to you as he stoped his conversation with jotaro "oh umm hi" you said nervously. "I don't believe we've met before I'm Noriaki Kakyoin, and you are?"
"Oh uh I'm y/n l/n" you said almost whispering  yet somehow he understood what you said "well it's nice to meet you y/n oh and by the way my friend over his name is jotaro Kujo"

"It's nice to meet you too" you said
Jotaro just looked at you rolled his eyes and mumbled "yare yare daze... does that bitch have to sit Over here"
"Jotaro being, nice she's new, and you don't even know her " kakyoin said
You didn't Necessarily like being called a bitch but being the introvert you are you just got over it and proceeded as if it never happened

And then class started and of course your pencil broke half way into class but you didn't have to worry because you brought an extra one... right? Oh god you forgot it. "Kill me now" you mumbled under your breath
"Umm hey uh kakyoin, right?"you said as you tapped his shoulder
"Do you have an extra pencil I can borrow... mine broke and I don't have an extra." You said looking down as you felt like you were gonna have an anxiety attack. "Oh yeah sure here you go!" He said enthusiastically while smiling...
He kinda reminds you of Ashley

"Thank you... I'll give it back after class"
"No need I have plenty, keep it."
"Y/n and Noriaki stop talking we're in the middle of a lesson" he stated.
And just like that class was over. "Say umm y/n do you maybe want to eat lunch with us?" You looked at the boy with the cherry colored noodle hair in utter shock. 'YES' Is what you wanted to say but your words weren't coming out.
"Hey I mean it's fine if you don't I just wanted to ask sense your new and all."
"Oh no I would love to it's just... nobody has asks me to eat lunch with them... ever" you said very shyly.
"Well come sit with us, we'll be outside in the furthest table to the left okay."
"Ummm okay"

Sorry if kakyoin is OOC I just wanted there interaction to be nice :')

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