Lunch with the boys :')

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You got your lunch and started walking out of the cafeteria and to where kakyoin and jotaro were seated outside when a hand touched you shoulder

"Oh, hey Ashley" you said as you turned to look at her "hey y/n we're are you going" Your cousin asked as she looked at you with eyes of what seemed like concern
"Umm, a boy from class invited me to eat lunch with him and his friend." you said blushing a bit
"Really! That's great, I guess I'll see you after lunch have fun" she said right before she hugged you "I'll be over at that table over there if you need anything" she said pointing at a table "okay see ya later" you turned around and started walking your mind fixated on how close you and Ashley had become in the past two days

You were in a daze, so entranced that you didn't realize there were people around you, well not until you ran into one

You panicked and told them you were sorry at least seventeen times not even daring to look them in the eye... until they pushed you to the ground. You looked up at them to see that it was a brunette girl with food plastered all over her uniform

"What the hell! Pay attention next time you bitch!" She yelled directly in your face
"I'm sorry" you mumbled "what was that... did I hear I'm sorry!" At this point you were terrified "I'll pay for a new one if it's ruined" you said very quietly "Jeez speak up will ya!" 

you looked around you and people were staring and you were still terrified, you wanted to yell 'just leave me alone!' In her face but you couldn't bring yourself to do it "I don't want your money ugh pay attention next time!"she shouted as she pushed you further onto the ground

You felt like you were gonna scream but you kept it inside... like you always did. You then saw a hand reach down "need a hand?" You looked up to see that it was the boy who invited you to sit with him and his friend it was kakyoin.

You took his hand and he pulled you up. You hadn't realize how short you were compared to him until that moment.

You heard Ashley from behind you "oh my gosh y/n, are you okay I heard the commotion and I walked over here" she said before turning you around and bringing you into a tight hug "I'm glad your okay"
"It wasn't that bad I just ran into a girl and she got mad... i kinda deserved it" you mumbled the last part. You had almost forgotten that kakyoin was standing behind you until he said something "no you didn't, she over reacted. She had no right to hurt you, it was an accident."
"But she didn't really hurt me she just shoved me, it's fine"

"That's not what your knee says"
You looked down to see that your knee was bleeding but it didn't really phase you

"Oh uhhh Ashley this is kakyoin and kakyoin this is Ashley, she's my cousin."
"Hi nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too"

You could tell Ashley got very nervous when talking to kakyoin you were kind of surprised but you just went with it

"Okay well I should probably get to the nurse see ya" you said to Ashley
"Okay I'll see you later, text me when your out please I have to let your mom know your alright"

"Please don't tell my mom about this"you begged

"Okay I won't but you better text me when you get out of the nurses office, okay" she looked at you with a worried expression on her face
"Okay I will" then she walked back to her lunch table.

"She seems nice" kakyoin said. "Heh yea she is" you said very shyly
"Do you want me to take you to the nurse sense I'm finished eating" he offered
"Um yea... sure"

"Okay, gimmie a sec" he said turning to the table he was sitting at before he got up to help you.
"Hey jotaro, I'm gonna go take y/n to the nurse I'll be back in a few"he shouted so he could get jotaro to hear him "good grief whatever" jotaro said in response as he pulled his hat down to cover his face with his hat which blended into his hair for some reason.

(Small time skip)

You and kakyoin were in the hallway walking to the nurse, it was very quiet so for once you decided to speak up "so how did you and Jotaro become friends" he looked at you surprised that you actually said something "oh we met in elementary school and we just kinda became friends... he's been my best friend sense."
" wow so you and him have been friends for a while then huh?"you asked trying your best not to be awkward.
"Yea... how'd you and Ashley become friends?" He asked

"We only just met a few days ago and she's really the only friend I've ever really had besides my mom." Then you panicked by how much of a loser that sentence made you look and feel. "Well uhh do you want to be friends" the boy beside you asked. "Wait... really?" Kakyoin nodded his head and a tint of pink emerged on your face. "That would be great!" You said. He looked at you in what looked like shock, he didn't expect you to answer.

Soon you both made your way to the nurses office where the nurse patched up your knee and sent you off. "Umm hey... what about Jotaro?" You said "what about him"kakyoin looked at you and you both stoped
"Well he seems to not like me and well I don't wanna seem like an asshole just bombarding into your life and stuff ya know" you said looking down at the floor not daring to look at him

"He treats everyone like that at first... I'm sure he'll warm up to you."you finally looked up at him "really... I mean he called me a bitch earlier soooo I don't know how true that statement is." he smiled at you "he does that to everyone don't take it to personally" he looked at you and laughed a little "okay. I'll try my best."

And just like that lunch ended and you proceeded with your day as usual

You had a few more classes with jotaro and kakyoin. You talked a bit, Ashley was In two of your classes , one of which you also had kakyoin and jotaro in. Jotaro was in over half of your classes and you didn't exactly know how to feel about him just yet. He reminded you of someone... someone who hurt you.

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