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It's the fifth night in a row that Frank stays over at Gerard's, and he's starting to feel more and more at home. They have dinner together in their pajamas, and Frank watches a documentary about serial killers while Gerard sits next to him and writes.

'What are you writing?' Frank asks cuddling next to him.

'It's the third book in the series – these kids –' Gerard tries to explain the plot before he gives up realizing it's too complicated. 'I don't wanna force you to be into this just because we're –' When he realizes what he was about to say, he stops himself.

'What are we?' Frank can't help being a pain in the ass, giving him the look. 'Huh?'

'I don't know. What are we?'

Frank doesn't answer, and just sits up to kiss him, his hand on Gerard's stomach. 'I don't know. But I like it.'

'Me too,' Gerard says between kisses.

'You wanna talk about it?'

'I –'

'It's okay. We don't have to put any labels if you don't want to. I enjoy this regardless.'

'Oh, really?' Gerard puts his laptop away, and starts to take off his first layer of shirts, as he pushes Frank on his back. They've been doing a lot of that in the past couple days, making out and jerking each other off until Frank fell asleep. Then Gerard would just sit next to him and write, Frank's breathing serving as a background noise.

But today was his day off, so he's not tired in the least, so Gerard has an idea in the middle of sucking Frank's neck, his hand still in his underwear. 'You wanna go upstairs?' he asks, gasping. 'We can keep this going up there.' Frank just nods, and follows him to his room.

They haven't even made it to the door, and all of Frank's clothes are gone, Gerard's boxers still on. Frank loves how he seems more confident around him now. It took him a couple days, but now Gerard's shirtless body is pressing against him. Frank doesn't want to put any pressure, so he doesn't say anything, his fingers slowly making their way to his ass, hoping Gerard gets the clue.

And he does.

He takes them off quickly, as Frank pushes him to the bed, and starts licking his skin. Gerard lets him be in charge, mainly because he seems to know what he's doing, and his tongue feels so good. He's in so much pleasure by the time the first finger is inside him, it doesn't even hurt. Frank wants to go gentle. He's been wanting this for so long, and he cares so much about him. Gerard has other plans, though. He's begging him to fuck him.

And he's not going to say no to that.

Moaning against each other's mouths, looking at Gerard with hair sticking on his forehead from all the sweat, he feels it. He knows it's too soon. But suddenly, all the pieces fit together, and his heart is beating so fast it's about to explode. He sees himself with Gerard, like this, for the rest of their lives, and a warm feeling fills his stomach. It's too soon, he reminds himself. I'm not doing it again. But it's too late because he already loves him.

'Why are you smiling, dickhead?' Gerard asks him.

'Nothing. Just seeing your face.'

'Well, go faster.'

All sticky and tired, they cuddle next to each other afterwards. Gerard's arm around Frank's shoulders, which he loves. He likes to feel protected and cared for, too. 'Wow!' Frank says. 'It's been a while, or maybe I'm getting too old.'

Gerard laughs. 'Well, I don't know about you, but it's both for me.'

'It's not as easy as it used to be. My knees hurt too much.'

'Tell me about it.'

They stay quiet for a couple minutes, and then Gerard breaks the silence. 'So this makes us fuck buddies, I guess.' Frank gives him a disappointed look, but Gerard's laugh lets him know it's a joke. 'I wanted to see your face.' They kiss again, Frank's tongue pushing inside his mouth. 'For real, though. I know we're old and shit, and I don't know the rules, or how it's supposed to work, but I guess, what I'm saying is, you want to be my man or whatever?'

Frank can't help but laugh hysterically at that. First of all, because he's too happy. But mainly because it just sounds funny. 'My man or whatever?'

'Boyfriend sounds stupid. We're not teenagers.'

'I guess you're right. And yes, I want to be your man or whatever.' And without saying anything else, they go back to making out, their hands on each other's skins, until Gerard is on top of Frank, and they're going for round two.


Frank is back at his apartment, taking a long shower and trying to look decent. Gerard only told him now that his brother is coming over to visit, so he has to make a good impression. 'He's cool,' he assured him. 'It's just a family barbecue, nothing more.'

'Yeah, but it turns out I'm not part of the family. Not yet. And this is the first time we're meeting. That is if you want me here.' He's spent a whole week sleeping over at Gerard's, and a lot of his stuff is already there.

'Of course I want you here, what are you talking about?'

'Fine. Then, I'll be back in a couple hours. We have to pretend we're not actually living together already. I don't want your family to think that way about you.'

'Frank! I'm forty-two years old, for fucks sake!'

'What?! I thought you were twenty-five! You tricked me!' Gerard tried to stop him by pulling him back in bed, but it didn't work. 'I'll be back!'

So now, he's walking back to Gerard's house, wearing a sweater and jeans. And obviously, Lois is coming too. Just like he planned it, Gerard's brother and his family have arrived already. 'Hey, baby,' Gerard says, greeting him at the door, and pulling him by the arm to the dining room, where they all are. 'So – Frank, this is my family. My brother Mikey, his wife Kristin, and their kids Rowan and Kennedy. Guys, this is Frank.' Gerard wraps his arm around Frank's waist, making him giggle. 'My – boyfriend?'

Frank laughs. 'Yeah. Nice to meet you.'

'Boyfriend, huh?' Mikey asks, holding out a hand for him to shake. 'Nice to meet you.'

They all sit outside, Gerard playing with his baby niece, while Rowan and Kristin play in the pool, and Mikey and Frank take care of the grill. 'So – I would ask my brother,' Mikey starts. 'But I know he won't tell me. So how did you two meet?'

'Oh – I live down the street,' Frank says, smiling at the thought. 'I take my dog out for a walk every morning, and we just started talking. And you know, we got closer.'

'But you're not married or anything, right?' Frank understood Mikey being worried. He would be too.

'Used to. A long time ago.' There's a long silence. 'I really care about your brother. You have no idea.' He almost tells him he loves him, but he wants to keep that for Gerard himself.

'Welcome to the family.'

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