Chapter 3

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Author's note: Another chapter of this completed! I took so extra time with this one and really liked the way it turned out. Hope you enjoy.

John caves into Joe's sweet begging like Joe suspect he did a lot in their relationship. John was definitely the dominate and responsible one; but Joe would still get his way. Probably with a flutter of his eye lashes or a swing of his hips. It was naughty to even think about. Especially when they were already on a bed together. It made Joe happy to think about; that was all he had ever really wanted out of a relationship. To be loved.

"After you made Freddie blush I grabbed you by the back of your neck and hauled you to me. I kissed you right there in front of everyone." John pauses the story there, like he just had to take a moment to sweep his eyes over Joe's body. It's hot and a bit possessive. Why weren't they kissing again?

"We got whistled at as you went limp in my arms. My kiss made your legs give out and though we both laughed at it I had never been more turned on in my entire life. You were so perfect for me Joe and still are in every way." John then kisses at a red faced Joe, catching his lips for light pecks.

Joe tried his best to deepen the kisses, but John rebuffs him. Pulling away to press a kiss to Joe's nose instead, giggling slightly like it's an old joke between the two of them. And who knows, it really might be. Joe bites onto John's lip when it's in range and likes that the other man barely helps in surprise. Kind of like he already expected it.

They sink in together and kiss one more time after that; both forgetting themselves and the real situation at hand. It all just felt so natural for Joe to just be with John like this. He wasn't the only one that felt it either, judging by that blissful smile that was painted on John's face when he finally pulled back. Seemingly satisfied, John continued on with his story.

"Neither one of us were interested in alcohol after that and instead we sat in a booth and talked for hours. Kissing many times and I made you dance with me." John told, tone happy and light as he smoothed his fingers through Joe's hair.

"Me dancing?" Joe asked back, not falling for the distraction of having someone pet him. Him dancing was almost always an embarrassing affair, and he usually didn't subject another person to it until the third date. Joe himself loved it, but his past dates had usually regrettably not.

"Yeah, you looked so cute bopping around and spinning with me. I had a million dates planned before I even asked if you would want to see me again." John said kindly, his eyes sparkling. Joe couldn't remember when Disco had become a thing and wondered if they had had dates like that. Would John take him out for the soul purpose of dancing with him?

"When we went back to sit with everyone I had to insist you sat on my lap, to conserve space." John stops and finished the story by snaking a hand down to grope at Joe's ass. Joe jumped as the move was a bit unexpected. He whined at the contact and pressed back against the hand when it showed no signs of leaving.

Was this what they were like together? Cute talking, sweet kissing and daring hands? God, Joe had never wanted anything more then he wanted this to be real.

"Did I sit on your lap?" Joe asked when he saw how distracted John suddenly was. Story time wasn't over yet and he wasn't quite ready to give in to his dream boyfriend yet. Well maybe he was but John wasn't exactly asking, so he felt the need to be a bit of a brat. He was sure John was used to it if they really had been together for months.

"Huh?" John responded back unintelligently and distracted. Joe loved that he had that kind of power over the man. Just like he loved that heavy palm on his ass.

"Did I sit on your lap when you asked me to?" Joe asked again, not letting John deter the conversation. Sex was one thing, but this amazing communication between the two of them was something that Joe had always craved. When was the last time he had just laid in bed and talked to someone for an extended period of time?

"Of course you did Joseph, you were such a good boy. Eager to please me in ever way. You wiggled there like an exotic dancer and I finally got to put my hands on those gorgeous thighs of yours. It was like we had our own little spot of heaven at that bar." John started flirting and story telling at the same time.

Joe was weak to his words. The hand left his ass to flutter around his upper thighs region and it was scandalously close to his privates. Joe was starting to care less about the story, because of the fluttering needy arousal that John was making him feel. What had he just been thinking? Communication was greater then sex? No, that couldn't be right. He just wanted John to fucking touch him more.

"Did you get hard with me on your lap?" Joe's question was direct and he showed no mercy. There was no stopping this now. He didn't want to stop; even if he woke up disappointed tomorrow that he couldn't feel the pounding that been done to him by John. That the hickeys were there.

"Fuck babe, I'd been hard since the dance floor. I set you over my dick and let you grind to your hearts content. Like you were dancing for me all over again. The boys noticed and I didn't even care, wanted to feel you as long as I could. When the night ended I asked you to come with me. Fuck, I still think about the way that you licked you lips and asked if I would make it worth your while."

"And did you?" Joe sassed, feeling the way a careful finger snuck down his pants and just edged at his crack. He tried to arch into it more, but John held position. Like he wasn't quite ready to give Joe everything he wanted yet. Was it always this way? Did John like having complete control?

"Well you were eager when we got to my apartment and seeing you naked for the first time took my breath away. I had you right where I wanted you and you knew it too. You were tight, hot and all mine." John's eyes were dark and they were both a bit turned on. More then a bit, to be completely honest. They were burning for each other at this point.

This was a fantasy that Joe had never let himself have before. He was straining hard at mere words and loved it. They kissed again, lingering together this time. When John pulled away, this time Joe tried to follow. If this dream really was a good dream; then John would let him have it all. John's posture suddenly turned uncomfortably tense and he didn't let them kiss again. Joe was disappointed.

"I was so scared last night."' John sounded haunted. The mood suddenly felt less teasingly hot, and more heavy. Like John just remembered that he should be crying.

"Tell me what happened." Joe asked not necessarily for himself but to help John get it off his chest. It was like John had been waiting for him to ask.

"You had come to see the show and I watched you from the stage most of the night. You would wink and blow kisses whenever it wouldn't be to distracting; just like always. When the set was over I went to pack my base and amp. You were gone when I got out front and my heart pounded so bad. I searched everywhere, frantically my love." He took a shaky breath in and looked at Joe with tears eyes.

"You were out in the alley and a group of guys were beating you, calling you horrible names. Baby I was so scared; me and Roger jumped at the guys to save you. You were covered in blood and barely conscious." John hugged him tightly to his his chest as he replayed much worse events. A much different story after one so teasing and light.

"I was by you in an instant; I'll never be able to forget the way you tensed up and jerked away from me. You were so scared and kept saying my name, crying out for me. Roger and I carried you to the van and drove you home. You kept insisting no hospital and passed out. God, I watched over you all night Joe. So scared I was going to lose you." John struggles through every sentence, trying not to break.

Joe suddenly felt like crying too, because he remembered none of this. It was strange, because the story of how they met was so easily put together and Joe had felt like he knew what words would come next. There was nothing in his mind pertaining to this. Just how hard had he been hit?

"You didn't lose me, I'm still right here. Even if I don't remember. Every time I look at you it just feels like I know you and have loved you for a very long time." Joe insisted back they laid back together and snuggled into an unidentifiable lump. Even if Joe wasn't good at napping, having John lay with him was a nicety that's he had never expected to experience. He was confident that when he woke up John would be gone and he would be alone once again. This was just a crazy drunken dream after all.

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