Chapter 4

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Author's note: Final chapter! I really liked writing this one, but am also working on not dragging things out. What's your opinion on long vs short?

As it turned out, this was not all a crazy dream. When Joe woke up hours later, he was still intertwined and safe in John's arms. As much as he liked being snuggled by John, he had simply expected to be not there when he had awoken again! One does not simply travel through time to be with a rock star!

It was shocking and upsetting all at once because his head no longer even hurt, so he could firmly rule out having a concussion. That's how that worked right? And his poor abused body was so sore. So many bruises. One's from the apparent homophobic beating he had received while waiting for his boyfriend, John Deacon.

His boyfriend who was very awake and watching over him, inches from his face. Joe startled a bit, when he realized that he wasn't the only one awake. The deep body involuntary twitch he gave hurt in ways he could hardly describe. It brought tears to his eyes, and clearly worried John.

"I'm still breathing John." He ground out, voice full of sleep and pain. John tucked in and pressed a kiss to sleepy lips. Joe appreciates the sweetness of it, as his body got used to the hurt once more. It seemed as long as he wasn't moving or jerking about he was fine.

"And you're beautiful that way." John joked. Yes, that was exactly the type of commentary that Joe needed at the moment.

"I'll try to keep doing it then." Joe answered, winking at his bed mate.

"Please do, it's keeps your face this lovely pale blush color. It wouldn't look as good in blue." John laughed, kissing Joe's red cheek. Cheeky bastard.

"Planning on keeping me even if I pass away?"

"Of course, don't think you can escape me that easily. I'm far to in love with that plush arse of your's to let it go."

Joe grinned at the compliment and their banter, ignoring the worried feeling in his gut. John made him feel so very at home during all of this. Joe couldn't help his deep thoughts about time travel and being stuck here indefinitely. Maybe it wasn't so scary because he had John with him. Someone who cared.

"Nothing came back John." Joe murmured quietly, hoping he wasn't breaking John's heart. That's the last thing he wanted to do.

Plus, there was the whole thing where he just said that he couldn't remember. It was a bit of a lie to hide the disappointment of him still being here. There wasn't anything to remember, even if he had experienced flashes last night. He wouldn't remember 2019 if he was from 1970's. Like technology and cell phones; he could seriously mess shit up. Joe broke out of his thoughts to catch John speaking to him.

"It's okay baby, you're still healing. We'll get through this together Joe, I promise." John went to press another kiss to Joe's, but Joe intercepted and stole one off his lips.

It was nice to be reassured  and Joe always appreciated a good kiss, but Joe was practically crawling out of his skin. He had to get up and move. Make sure that there was more in this reality than him and John cuddling together on this bed. He felt crazy and restricted under those comfortably warm sheets.

"I have to get up, John." Joe rushed out before he lost his courage to do so.

"Joe, you have to rest so you can heal. I know you hate sitting still but it's what's best for you right now." John's tone was demanding and soft all at once. Joe wanted to listen but he was already wiggling and having trouble finding oxygen in this room. How did you breathe? Had oxygen even been invented in the backwoods time of the 70s? Vision blurred as his tears dripped.

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