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Addison POV
When I fainaly came back to school I was surrounded by questions.

'why did you faint ?"

"Are you ok?"

"Was this that zombies fault?"

You can guess who said that.
"Guys guys I'm fine honestly.And no it wasn't Zeds falt no can you leave." They didn't .I was getting surrounded so then I did something weird I growled.

Everyone backed of and then ran away.well that was weird but hey they left.that made me smirk with victory.

Suddenly two pale hands came over my eyes in a male voice said" guess who."

"Zed I think it's you .but I might need more evidence." I teased
"Like what?" " A kiss."

And so he kissed me and it was the one of best kisses ever in .but a flash happens in the middle of it when we are breaking apart it showed young girl with brunette hair with a boy . A zombie?

Another flash happened and I was back in the high school with zed looking really confused.
"Addison are you all right you blanked out there for a second?"

I blinked a couple times and nodded my head yes.
He sighed in the relief and guided me to the class.

What was that who was that how and when did this happen.

Bonsall came up and said " ziga Zuma zow?"(what's for lunch)
Zed sighed and said "remember she doesn't speak zombie."

"Zies zacken zi zaw."(fries chicken and coleslaw) I responded. Wait since when do I know zombie and speak it?

"What was-"That wasn't able to finish that. Because Eliza came up and she looked really happy.

"hi Edison I love your hair today it's so beautiful and zed did you comb it a different way or parted I'm not really sure I'm not good with hair but lovely morning."she said smiling and she waved us when she left.

"Okay which cheerleader possessed Eliza?" Zed asked
"I'm not sure but can we keep that cheerleader in there she's way nicer.but your right this is unnatural."

"I know why."Willis said with a smug smirk."ok spill why is she acting like a cheary prepy person in other words like she actually cares?" Zed asked

"Because Wyatt fainaly asked her out."Willa said sumgly .

"Wait what my little sis got a date and she didn't tell me." Zed was shocked ."wait hold on little sis?" " Yah me and Eliza are super close it's like we're brother and sister." "Ok but that's beside the point.'' wila said bringing us back in to focus.

"Right the point is Wyatt fainaly got the courage to ask E out ."zed said looking amused.I chuckled and I felt a light presence .

Suddenly  everyone's jaws dropped."Addi your glowing .Like glowing white ."

A/N what is going on with Addison ?glowing growling speaking zombie. and who was that brunette with the zombie boy?Also are you glad Eliza and Wyatt fainaly got together.But WILL.IT.LAST?

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